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Online Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Reading

Tarot cards are an ancient and very profound branch of occult knowledge, filled with multi-layered symbolism, where each arcana represents a separate and distinct world, while at the same time they are mysteriously connected to each other and tell the stories of ancient secrets. Tarot is not only divination, over the centuries it has absorbed a huge layer of stories, myths, legends and mysteries, starting from Ancient Egypt, Greece, Babylon and other disappeared civilizations, and the development of this amazing esoteric system continues to this day.

Initially, there were two main directions in Tarot - the French and English schools, which gave rise to other offshoots: Papus, Crowley, Waite and the Marseille Tarot.

The tarot readers on our website work with the deck created by Arthur Edward Waite, a Freemason, Kabbalist, and occult researcher, the founder of the magical order of the "Golden Dawn". He was assisted by the illustrator P. Colman-Smith, who drew the cards, imbuing them with amazing symbolism, and it was published by William Rider. Most modern decks are archetypical to the Rider-Waite cards. Attention is paid not only to the divination, but also to the magical system.

Collection of Tarot Spreads on the Website

