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Horoscope for today

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

The day is well-suited for collaborative work, but it is crucial to listen to and consider the opinions of those around you. It is not advisable to interact with people too aggressively or to try to exert pressure, as such an approach may provoke strong resistance.

Overall, it is an energetic day, and any active endeavors we undertake can yield good results. However, it’s best to wait another day before starting new projects, especially if they are creative endeavors or personally significant to you, as the Sun is preparing to move into a new sign.

It is also worth noting that today is very favorable for mental work, handling documents, signing contracts, and conducting business negotiations. It’s a good day for organizing your affairs and for reaching out to government institutions to obtain any necessary documents.

Current planetary hour

Current planetary hour 16:41 for the city Moscow Moon - this is a good hour for relaxation, caring for family, doing household chores, or going to a restaurant. It is not recommended to deal with serious matters during this hour.

Lunar Cycle

20 Lunar Day - Advice of the Day

New Moon will occur in 9 days

20 Lunar Day

On this day, you should remain active, but don’t be under someone's thumb and don’t surrender to the mercy of circumstances. If a situation requires taking actions – then act, and don’t sit and wait for everything to resolve on its own. Don’t be idle on this day when the symbol of the day reminds us that there are no insurmountable obstacles. Even if an obstacle is tall, you can fly over it; you just need to overcome fear and spread your wings.

You need to understand the relationship between your problem and the world around you. The 20th lunar day will certainly give you such information. If you accept this information, you will learn a lot of useful things that will help your financial situation and lift your spirits

On the twentieth lunar day, a person is given a huge amount of energy, which he must direct first of all to transform his character and personality.
