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Tarot Card Online fortune telling Astrology Numerology Lunar calendar Horoscopes

Tarot Reading with One card


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In a situation when you want to get a quick answer to your question, this type of reading will be best.

In this reading we quickly draw just one card, so we get a straight-forward answer because there are no other cards that could confuse us. This reading uses a deck with Major and Minor Arcana cards.

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Today May 4, 2024Sign positions of planets
Q Sun s 14° 45' 45"
W Moon c 28° 32' 39"
E Mercury a 19° 16' 38"
R Venus s 6° 30' 25"
T Mars a 3° 10' 4"
Y Jupiter s 25° 0' 11"
U Saturn c 16° 57' 31"
I Uranus s 22° 36' 13"
O Neptune c 29° 2' 23"
P Pluto x 2° 6' 11"
