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Horoscope for today

Saturday, 27 July 2024

<p>Practically the entire day from morning to night the Moon is void of course, and this indicates that the day is unfavorable for carrying out any planned activities. The likelihood of encountering some kind of obstacles, restrictions, difficult and unexpected situations is very high.</p>

<p>However, the Moon is in Aries, and accordingly, the thirst for activity and the level of emotional experiences will be high, so failures can be perceived painfully. It is necessary to take this into account and either adjust the plans or consider backup options. The day may not go exactly as you would like.</p>


<p>By 8:30 PM Moscow time, the Moon moves into the sign of Taurus and the situation normalizes. But with the Moon's transition into Taurus, the emotional intensity and the thirst for activity also decrease.</p>

Attention! The Moon is currently void of course

It is not recommended to start anything, sign contracts, or conduct important negotiations during the Moon Void period.

From 27.07.2024 01:16 to 27.07.2024 20:24

The warning will disappear once the Moon is no longer void of course

Current planetary hour

Current planetary hour 12:59 for the city Moscow Moon - this is a good hour for relaxation, caring for family, doing household chores, or going to a restaurant. It is not recommended to deal with serious matters during this hour.

Lunar Cycle

22 Lunar Day - Advice of the Day

New Moon will occur in 8 days

22 Lunar Day

One of the symbols of the 22nd lunar day is the elephant-headed Hindu god Ganesha. In the Indian tradition, he is the son of Shiva and the patron of wisdom. A day dedicated to him is considered suitable for obtaining new knowledge. Therefore, if you have a chance or a necessity, today you should definitely focus on your education. On this day, it is especially useful to exchange knowledge, learn from your mentors’ personal experiences, indulge in self-education, attend training events and go to libraries.

Today, you can learn something new and unusual, discover something unknown, understand something that has always been unclear, because on this day the information comes from above. The main thing is to be able to catch it, but the only skill you need for that is attention. Even if you turn on the TV, the first random phrase or a scene might give you an answer to the question that has been bothering you for a while.

The 22nd lunar day is not a passive day of the lunar month. If today you choose to lie on the couch, look at the ceiling, eat, sleep, waste time on empty talk – in a word, if you indulge in laziness, then the energy of the moon will no longer be directed at you, but work against you. This, in turn, will lead to a memory deterioration and reduced focus and concentration.
