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The horoscope was first applied in Babylon and ancient Egypt. In essence, a horoscope is a schematic arrangement of the planets in the zodiac signs in relation to our planet at a certain point in time and in a certain location. Since the arrangement of the planets is unique, at least in the context of several millennia, the Egyptians used it as a calendar and applied it to the walls of their temples so that their descendants could determine the exact date of the construction of the building or the birth of a particular pharaoh based on the arrangement of the planets.

Currently, there are many horoscopes based on both the ancient Egyptian horoscope and the calendars of other peoples. For example, the Druid horoscope, the Slavic horoscope, the Chinese horoscope, the Zoroastrian horoscope, etc.

Natal Chart (or Natal Horoscope) - the most comprehensive birth horoscope of a person. It is constructed based on the time and place of a person's birth. This horoscope characterizes the person's destiny: the possibilities embedded in it, tendencies, and life circumstances.

Zodiac horoscopeп - depending on the position of the Sun at the moment of a person's birth, their zodiac sign is determined. The person's psychological profile is built upon this.

The Runic Horoscope - At the heart of the Runic Horoscope is the central concept - the concept of the rune. The rune is not just a letter or symbol of an alphabet, but something more. Runic alphabets are quite diverse.
