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I Ching Divination

I Ching Divination

The divination of the "Book of Changes" or "I Ching" (Yi Jing) is an ancient method of divination with a rich history and philosophical significance in Chinese culture.

The Book of Changes consists of 64 hexagrams, each of which consists of six lines representing different states or situations. The six lines can be solid or broken, which indicates two main aspects of energy: yang (light, activity) and yin (darkness, passivity).

Before starting the divination, you need to ask a question or mentally focus on the situation or problem you want to solve. Then the coins are tossed to collect a hexagram of solid and broken lines. Then it is interpreted taking into account your question or the situation that concerns you. Each hexagram has its unique meaning and can give you clues or advice.

The divination of the "Book of Changes" is not only a prediction, but also a tool for deep reflection and self-analysis, which helps a person understand the deeper aspects of their life and make more conscious decisions.

Recommendations for divination
  • It's not worth asking the same thing several times, the first time is the most accurate
  • Don't scatter on several questions at once. Focus on one important one
  • If the answer is not what you expected, don't give up. The Book will suggest how to straighten out the situation.
  • Your intentions must be pure, only then will the Book give the best advice
