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Love Cards by Date of Birth

Love Cards

Destiny Cards - an ancient esoteric teaching that originates from ancient Egyptian numerology. Ordinary playing cards were adopted as a divination tool, as they fit perfectly into this system.

According to this system, each day of the year is determined by one of the fifty-two cards in the deck. In fact, there are fifty-three cards: December 31st is governed by the Joker. But the Joker card is usually not given much attention, because it is a completely unique card that combines the properties of all the other cards in the deck and you can never predict how it will behave in different situations. As for all the other cards, each one governs one or more days of the year. This system determines our karmic purpose as the life path that we ourselves predetermined in the past for the present life.

Specify your date of birth and/or the date of birth of your loved one to learn about yourself and your partner.


