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Celtic Cross - Online Tarot Reading for Situation Development

Celtic Cross Tarot

The Celtic Cross is one of the most multifaceted and informative Tarot card layouts. It covers all the key aspects of the situation - the past, present, future, goals, obstacles, external and internal influences. This allows you to build a holistic and in-depth picture of what is happening.

  • The central card (position 1) - this is the essence of the problem, the main theme of the reading, the very reason for which the layout is being performed.
  • The card laid across the central one (position 2) - constraining factors, obstacles, problems that hinder the resolution of the situation.
  • The card on top (position 3) - thoughts, shows what we know and see about the topic of the question.
  • The card under the central one (position 4) - hidden causes, the realm of the unconscious, the deep root cause of the situation.
  • The card on the left (position 5) - the past, what preceded and led to this situation.
  • The card on the right (position 6) - upcoming events, the future, the result of the current situation.
  • The bottom card in the right column (position 7) - shows how the querent perceives the situation.
  • The second card in the right column (position 8) - the attitude of others, the influence of other people.
  • The third card in the right column (position 9) - the person's concerns, their fears associated with the situation.
  • The top card in the right column (position 10) - the final result, the final outcome of events taking into account all factors.

Lay out the cards

