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Twentieth lunar day

Symbols of the day: eagle, eagle with a crocodile tail (combination of the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio)
Stones of the day: red jasper, rhinestone
General characteristics

The 20th lunar day is a time of spiritual transformation. This is a day of insights, revelations and discoveries. On this day, we get an opportunity to see the world in a new light, to look at our life from a different perspective, to change for the better. For all of that to happen, you will have to give up vanity and arrogance. You will need only a willingness to accept these discoveries and revelations.

The 20th lunar day is perfect for teamwork and coordinated problem solving. When communicating with like-minded people, friends and colleagues you will possibly unexpectedly learn and understand something new, and notice what used to be left behind the scenes.

This day is considered one of the luckiest of the lunar month for starting any project.

Only envy and ill will can cause you harm today. Otherwise, this is the period when you can finally see what you have accomplished. Since one of the symbols of the day is an eagle, you will be able to look at your past with a bird's eye view. Who knows, maybe you will see your future as well? It is quite probable. After all, if you can adequately analyze what has happened in your life in the current lunar month, understand the causes and consequences of all that is happening, then you will develop a skill to foresee the events of the future as well.

Recommendations for today

On this day, you should remain active, but don’t be under someone's thumb and don’t surrender to the mercy of circumstances. If a situation requires taking actions – then act, and don’t sit and wait for everything to resolve on its own. Don’t be idle on this day when the symbol of the day reminds us that there are no insurmountable obstacles. Even if an obstacle is tall, you can fly over it; you just need to overcome fear and spread your wings.

You need to understand the relationship between your problem and the world around you. The 20th lunar day will certainly give you such information. If you accept this information, you will learn a lot of useful things that will help your financial situation and lift your spirits

On the twentieth lunar day, a person is given a huge amount of energy, which he must direct first of all to transform his character and personality.

Special details

In addition to vanity and envy, today you should definitely avoid selfishness, overestimating your abilities and your own importance. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing everything that you have managed to accomplish over the previous lunar days. Do not argue with friends and loved ones. One argument will lead to many others, as well as prolonged disputes and grievances.

On this day, astrologers and specialists in lunar influences recommend starting construction works, entering new job positions, and making important decisions. Today, people are sociable and open, and you can use this to find new acquaintances, strengthen old ties and initiate friendly contacts.
