The entire function of the master is to turn psychosis into a breakthrough.A therapist will only make you feel a little better. This is his function. He will not change you. You need metapsychology, the psychology of the Buddha.
This is the greatest adventure in life –to consciously go through psychosis. This is the greatest risk because there is no guarantee that the psychosis will turn into a breakthrough. It is possible, but such things can never be guaranteed. Your chaos is very old –you have been in chaos for many, many lives. It has become very thick, concentrated. It is almost a universe in itself. That is why, when you enter itwith your limited capabilities, it is of course, dangerous. But without facing this danger, no one would ever become whole, no one would ever become individual and wholesome.
Zen, or meditation, is a method that will help you get through chaos, through the dark night of the soul, and remain balanced, disciplined, and alert. The dawn is not so far away, but to reach it, you need to go through a dark night. When the dawn approaches, the night becomes darker. The predominance of the red color on this card shows that its theme is energy, power and strength. Bright light emanates from the solar plexus, or the center of strength of a person, and his posture expresses a storm of impulse and determination.
Each of us reaches the moment when we feel like "I have had enough." At this time, it seems to us that we should do anything, anything at all, even if later it will lead us to a mistake, in order to get rid of all the burdens and limitations that hold us back. If we do not do tht, they threaten to strangle and cripple our very life energy.
If you now feel that “I’ve had enough”, allow yourself to risk and destroy the old systems and restrictions that did not allow your energy to flow. By doing this, you will be surprised how much vitality and opportunities this Breakthrough can bring into your life.