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Osho Zen Tarot: MIND

Osho Zen Tarot: MIND

Here is the situation in your head: I see bicycle handlebars, pedals and other strange things all piled together. The head is so small – it has no space left to live! And this rubbish continues to move around in your head, it continues to spin around – and it occupies you.

Just think what thoughts are circulating in your mind. One day, simply close the doors, sit down and write down everything that comes to your mind for half an hour. Then you will understand what I mean and you will be surprised at what is happening in your head. This usually remains in the background, but it is constantly there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot see the reality, you cannot achieve spiritual perception.

This cloud should be left behind. It will disappear only when you decide that it needs to go. Remember –it is you who isclinging to it, not the other way around. The cloud is not interested in you. This happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be our servant and instead begin to let it control our lives. Our head is full of rubbish, our mouth speaks pompously and incoherently, and the next thing you know – the surrounding atmosphere is polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions.

You may object: “But wait! The mind is what made us human, it is the source of all progress, all great truths.” If you believe this, arrange an experiment: enter your room, close the door, turn on the voice recorder and allow yourself to say everything that is on your mind. If you really let it all happen without any censorship or editing, you will be astonished by the amount of garbage that you spit out of your head.

The Page of Clouds tells you that someone somewhere has been caught by the “mind trap.”Take a look around and make sure that it’s not you.
