Do not go changing the world or the people around you – start with changing yourself first. When you change yourself, the people around you will change too, and the world will change. © The keys to life
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Osho Zen Tarot: THE MISER

Osho Zen Tarot: THE MISER

The moment you are stingy and tight-fisted, you become closed upto the essential phenomena of life – generosity and openness.

The moment when you start to cling to something, you lose sight of your goal. You squander opportunities. Because things cannot be your goal. You, your inner being, is the goal. Not a beautiful house – but a beautiful you; not the amount of money you have – but a rich soul; not the number of things you own – but an open person open to a million things.

This woman surrounded herself with a fortress and is clinging to her imaginary treasures.In reality, she has accumulated so much rubbish when trying to make herself look beautiful – all these feathers and furs –that in the end she made herself look ugly.

This card encourages us to look at the things that we cling to so much that we find it necessary to protect using this fortress. In order to become generous, you do not need a hefty bank account or a box of jewels. It could be as simple as spending an evening with a friend, or taking a risk and professing your love. Our jewels become dull and useless like an abandoned well when we refuse to share them with others. Whatever you cling to, always remember that you cannot take this with you.

Loosen your grip and feel the freedom and openness that generosity can bring.
