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Psychomatrix and Pythagorean Square


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Pythagorean Square - is a separate area of numerology. In fact, this area of numerology goes back to the times of Egyptian priests. They were the ones who first began characterizing people’s characters by using numbers. Pythagoras took this knowledge of numbers as a foundation and applied a mathematical approach to it, which is based on the harmony of the square.

Pythagoras and his followers expanded the capabilities of the original Egyptian system by supplementing the meanings of individual numbers with the meanings of the target lines of the Pythagorean square. Thus, a new approach was now able to help determine a possible goal of a person’s life.

Today April 27, 2024Sign positions of planets
Q Sun s 7° 44' 55"
W Moon l 18° 44' 36"
E Mercury a 16° 8' 44"
R Venus a 27° 36' 19"
T Mars c 27° 36' 0"
Y Jupiter s 23° 18' 57"
U Saturn c 16° 19' 43"
I Uranus s 22° 11' 25"
O Neptune c 28° 49' 24"
P Pluto x 2° 5' 51"
