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Rune Horoscope: Ehwaz




Ehwaz Rune (E) – horse, trust

The Ehwaz rune (eh (Old Engl.), Ehwaz (Germanic), Aihos (Goth.), Eoh (Anglo-Sax.) – a horse) is associated with Sleipnir, the mythical eight-legged horse of Odin, who transported his master to other dimensions of being. This is a sign of movement and progress (shifting from a dead point) – it embodies the magical power that provides development and adaptability. For magical purposes, the Ehwaz rune was used to change stagnant factors.

People born under the influence of this rune, in the first half of the zodiac sign of Capricorn, are well adapted to external factors and are typically good teachers and assistants. They are easy to manage and manipulate, as long as you don’t try to change their mind and not to infringe upon their personal freedoms. They are multifaceted and unpredictable, and they love opening new horizons.

Graphically, the rune of Ehwaz resembles two runes Laguz connected in a mirror image, which is why this rune is also the rune of partnership – intersection of personal interests. Therefore, people who are born under the influence of the rune Ehwaz are usually good companions, partners, spouses and colleagues. However, when they feel that their help is not needed, or they are simply being ignored – they are capable of making drastic actions, breaking up established relationships and destroying promising undertakings. All this happens because they subconsciously strive for something new, but external changes take place only when they change from within.

In order to achieve success, such individuals should maintain emotional balance in all situations and move towards their goal purposefully. These people should never be hasty with their thoughts or actions. The individual growth of such people depends on numerous shifts and changes. They should not live in their past, their unrealized hopes and dreams, but instead they turn to face the future, regain their confidence and open new horizons of knowledge. In order to gain confidence in the future and be able to fulfil their plans, these individuals must learn to forgive. Resentment and grief deprive them of energy, individual strength, peace of mind and emotional balance. In critical situations, they should never behave recklessly, be cruel or vile. These people should learn to forgive not only others but also themselves.

The Ehwaz rune helps to communicate more effectively with people, to strengthen partnerships and relationships, to maintain balance in any situation and to respect the opposite sex.

The following people were born under the sign of Ehwaz rune: Isaac Newton (December 25), Carlos Castaneda (December 25), Lars Ulrich (December 26), Kepler (December 27), Daniil Harms (December 29), Mao Zedong (December 26), Richard Kipling (December 30), Jacob Grimm (January 4).
