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Schizophrenia is a normal human condition, at least in the modern times. This probably did not exist in the primitive world, but centuries of conditionality, civilization, culture and religion have made a flock out of individuals – a divided, disconnected, contradictory crowd. But since this division is contrary to human nature, a hidden unity still survives somewhere in the depths. Since the human soul is whole, all conditionality destroys mainly the periphery of a human being, but the center remains untouched – this is how a person keeps on living. While his life turns into hell.

The whole effort of Zen is to leave behind this schizophrenia, to leave behind this split personality, to abandon the split mind of a person in order to become undivided, whole, centered, and crystallized. In your current state, we cannot say that you are here. You have no being. You are a noisy market. If you want to say “Yes”, it is always followed by “No”. You cannot even utter the simple word “Yes” with commitment. In this state, happiness is impossible. Unhappiness is a natural consequence of a split personality.

The image on this card allows you to take a fresh look at the old saying adage “torn between two extremes.” However, we find ourselves in such a position when we become attached to the indecisive and dual character of the mind. Should I let go of my hand and fall on my head, or should I let go of my legs and fall on my back? Should I go this way or that way? Should I say yes or no? No matter what decision we make, we always wonder what would have happened if we made a different choice.

The only way to solve this dilemma is, unfortunately, to let go of both at the same time.

You cannot find a way out of this dilemma by making a choice, by making a list of pros and cons, or by any other solution coming from your mind. You are better off following your heart if you can find it. If you can’t find it, just jump up and down – your heart will start beating so fast that you will have no problem discovering where it is.
