A man becomes free and able to take action when a woman who loves him refuses to own and control him. © The keys to life
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Osho Zen Tarot: TOTALITY

Osho Zen Tarot: TOTALITY

Every moment you have the possibility of being all-encompassing. Whatever you do, dive into it completely, so that the mind does not think about anything – there is only here and now, there is only full presence. Totality will manifest itself more and more. This taste of totality will make you more and more capable of being all-encompassing, of being total. Try to recognize the moments when you are not total. These moments shouldbe gradually abandoned. When you are not total, no matter what is in your head – thoughts, reflections, calculations, cunning tricks, wisdom – you are not total. Gradually try slipping away from these moments. This is just an old habit, and old habits die hard. Still, they die anyway – if a person is persistent, they will die.

These three women are high in the sky, joyful and free, but still vigilant and interdependent. In trapeze acrobatics, no one can afford to be a little "absent", even for a split second. Here, we demonstrate precisely this quality of complete presence at every moment.

Perhaps, we feel that too much needs to be done right away, and we are bogged down in attempts to do a little here, a little there, instead of undertaking one task at a time and following it through. Alternatively, perhaps, we think our task is “boring” because we have forgotten that what matters is not what we are doing but how we are doing it. Developing the ability to totally respond to everything that comes your way is one of the greatest skills that you can develop in yourself. Making one step at a time, giving each step all your attention and energy, you can breathe a wonderful new vitality and creativity into everything you do.
