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Tarot card: THE DEVIL


Of all the Major Arcana Tarot cards, this card is the most difficult to understand, because everyone has his own “devil”. The only common thing here is a fact of being addicted to something, a lack of will, a shameful failure of good intentions, and actions committed against your personal convictions. The Devil personifies the dark side of your personality: black magic, hypocrisy, greed disguised as holiness, thirst for power, degeneration of a relationship into a purely sexual connection, corruption or inability to recognize your own faults, excess and temptation. The card says that we are playing with fire and we should be very careful not to get burned.


At work, your moral strength, your beliefs and good intentions are going through a serious test and being tempted. The project can be profitable, but only due to the inexperience or gullibility of your partner. Alternatively, you might be offered to get involved in something that contradicts your beliefs (weapons, drugs, environmental pollution...), and if you refuse, you risk losing a lot of money or even your job. The Devil is cunning, and he can give you a plausible excuse, embellish the reality and kill your doubts with the old slogan of an executioner: “If I don’t do it, someone else will.” So, think for yourself!


You have met your dark side very intimately. Something has happened, which made you realize your dependence and lack of freedom. In rare cases, it means fanaticism, lust for power, a desire to kill someone, sadism or masochism. However, in most cases, the card talks about quite trivial things that you are ashamed of, because they are primitive, but nevertheless you can’t get rid of them: chronic insecurity, lies, alcohol, kleptomania, etc. At the mental level, the card points at an obsessive idea that you have everyone around you fed up with, or a certain philosophy, the basis of which is the search for evil and its roots in other people and circumstances.


Here, the Devil demonstrates his most attractive side. Big promises, tempting flirting, sensual passion – these are all his lures. The card serves as a warning: you are playing with fire! It also points to other deviations from the true companionship by strange antics of both partners: silent obedience or blatant despotism, cruel lust or subtle abuse.
