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Tarot card: EIGHT OF CUPS


The card symbolizes a breakthrough with a sad farewell. You must part with people or things that have meant a lot to you, leave a comfortable place and venture into the unknown bright future. You are parting not because you were kicked out, but due to certain circumstances. The burden of farewell is based on you having to leave something that is truly dear to you and on you being afraid of the future, which is unknown.


Most likely this means leaving your current job. Perhaps, you are about to retire or you decided to leave your job to spend more time with your family. You are afraid to leave because you are feeling uncertain in your future. However, the card can also mean that your job has been cut due to layoffs, or because the company went bankrupt. Again, you are tormented by uncertainty: “What lies ahead for me? What are my next steps?”


It's time for renewal. Your old habits, old views on life have become obsolete and you need to let them go. This could mean that you have grown up, you have found solid ground under your feet and your priorities have changed. Most often than not, parting with things that are so valuable to you is accompanied by fear and hopelessness. It’s difficult to admit, let alone accomplish, but decisive actions lead to a new victory.


Here, the card means parting with a person or people who meant a lot to you. You are at a crossroads in your relationship, and from here you will each take a separate road. You should say thank you for everything you’ve shared and move on. At a deeper level, the card could mean parting with the old conception of your partner, with your idealistic images, which means that you need to realize that perfect people and relationships do not exist and get back to reality.

