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Tarot card: EIGHT OF WANDS


Time is of outmost importance. The card clearly says that something is coming up in the very near future. This process has already started, even if you do not feel it yet. Something is already changing in your life. Something is in the air. It will happen sooner than you expected. Mostly these are positive events, good news, or unexpected pleasant surprises.


All your expectations, intentions related to work will be realized in the near future. Be afraid of your fears and doubts – they are likely to materialize. For example, you have been working on a project and thought you had enough time, and in fact it turns out you are catastrophically running behind. Often, the card speaks of an unexpected success in a new place of work, in new business connections, contacts.


Your mind is starting to work in the right direction. Your erudition, the circle of interests are expanding and becoming more diverse due to the information from an unexpected source. The card shows the sudden nature of the changes, when stale beliefs begin to transform.


If you are single, your feelings will soon begin to awaken. In the near future you will enter into a new and fruitful relationship. The card could also mean that your existing relationship will improve in the best possible way, but only if other cards in this reading are positive too.

