The destiny challenges you to measure your strengths. But don’t be afraid – it is not a bloody massacre. Most likely, you will be challenged to test yourself, your strengths and your knowledge. It can be anywhere – a competition, a new project, a new business. You already have a wealth of knowledge and experience – you simply need to use them wisely. You shouldn’t be prematurely afraid of defeat or a failure, unless the circumstances clearly suggest otherwise. The card offers you an opportunity, maybe a risky one, but the one you definitely shouldn’t miss, as it will allow you to prove your abilities and realize them.
WORKIn this aspect, the card points to a task or a problem, which will require from you some effort to solve. You will need all your brainpower. At first glance, the task seems difficult, but most likely it is just not trivial and will require a similarly creative solution – some complex combination that uses your dexterity and ingenuity. It resembles a competitive assignment, which you should tackle with responsibility but also as a game and an opportunity to learn.
CONSCIOUSNESSHere the card points at a puzzle, the solution for which will require considerable effort, but in the future it will help you moving along the path of knowledge.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSThe card says that the partners love each other, but they always argue and compete with each other. There is a continuous battle in this relationship and it adds a zing to it. If there were no bickering and arguments, the relationship would fizzle down and turn into a dreary swamp. Therefore, the partners constantly keep themselves in a “fighting” shape, which keeps the flame alive. It is also possible that you are simply fighting together to resolve a common problem.