Do not go changing the world or the people around you – start with changing yourself first. When you change yourself, the people around you will change too, and the world will change. © The keys to life
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Tarot card: THE HANGED MAN


You are stuck, at a dead-end. Beneath your seeming inertia, there is a need and a great opportunity to reflect on your life and make significant changes in it. Passivity during this period resembles the image of a bed-ridden patient. A hanged position signifies some difficulty, which is why this a rare case when a person needs a significant effort to open up completely.


One meaning of this card is stagnation, slowing down, even a full stop. Your project is stuck: you were promised a promotion, but nothing happened; you were expected to move on to another project – nothing happened; all your important plans encounter obstacles. Although, such stagnation rarely comes out of blue. It all starts with little things that you failed to take seriously until they piled up. The only way out is to understand that you are at a dead-end. When you really begin to change and learn – your problems will be solved. Never disregard the little things!


Here, we also have a crisis. You have been clinging to something for too long and now you realize that it was a hindrance for you. Well, this is the sacred meaning of this card! It often happens that a person has been sick for a long time, has been out of work – and such circumstances will put pressure on you until you adjust your attitude and develop a new outlook on life, find new source of joy. If you’ve realized that you are lost, only patient self-reflection can help. Eventually, you will discover the essence of the problem and see what you have been missing.


In this position, the card demonstrates its most disappointing side. You are seriously stuck in a bad situation. This could be a prolonged period of loneliness, a series of unsuccessful attempts to find a partner or to bring back an old flame, or a failed attempt to get out of a bad relationship. Still, the card shows that it is time to change and finally realize all your mistakes that got you in this rut in the first place.

