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Tarot card: THE HERMIT


This is the card of detachment from the world and the path to yourself. You close off to the outside world in order to find peace and, most importantly, find yourself, away from all the hustle and bustle. The Hermit shows who we are, what we strive for and how to achieve it. He combines the deepest emotions and the highest knowledge. Do not be afraid of this card. Only where the character traits of the Hermit are misunderstood there could be a feeling of abandonment and loneliness.


It's time to find out what you want from your career. These reflections can lead to reassessing your old ideas about success, recognition, prestige, money and about the area of your professional interests. You are starting to better understand your real needs and true calling. Your spirit is getting stronger as you become more confident that will help you gradually but surely get to realize your new career goals. Focus, peace of mind, deliberateness and relying on yourself in the context of limited financing give you more satisfaction than participating in group activities.


You are getting detached from the outside world in order to free yourself from the opinions of others and return to your true self. The Hermit signifies a period when you spend a few days or a whole vacation away from other people to focus on a problem, work productively or simply give yourself a break and reflect on your life. During such periods of rest, it is recommended to fast, observe a vow of silence and engage in meditation and spiritual practices. This will make you wiser, stronger, more resilient, courageous and determined.


In this aspect, the card has a double meaning: loneliness and “loneliness together.” The key meaning is in deep awareness and understanding of your true needs and your place in this partnership. The card often marks a transition to more mature forms of love, to getting away from your own egoistic demands for the sake of saving the relationship. It can also bring an understanding that being able not to constantly rely on your partner is one the most important conditions for building a strong long-term relationship.

