The card personifies the world of faith and deep trust, based on inviolate morals and values. The Hierophant used to be considered one of the three guardian angels, providing a favorable outcome for any endeavor. Trust in general and confidence in your abilities serve as the foundation of faith in life and in the future. The Hierophant symbolizes the path of ethics and virtues, in other words, the moral principles that define our plans in life.
WORKThe card says that you are concerned with the issue of the meaning and purpose of your activities, starting with the very subject of your profession to the issues of life sustenance, success, reward and recognition. The Hierophant is in search of deeper meaning and his true calling. The card can also point at specific situations when your character and morality that don’t allow you to participate in frauds, are being tested.
CONSCIOUSNESSThe card points at the search for the meaning of life and your spiritual principles and the entire system of values being challenged. The card symbolizes your improved ability for moral judgment, which allows you to better distinguish good from evil.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSThis is a period of growing trust and chemistry between the partners, when an ideal of a partner is becoming increasingly romanticized and the relationship gets better under the influence of the system of moral values and personal virtues of each partner. In terms of possible events – an intention to get married.