The card speaks of a friendly atmosphere and a positive mood. It is time for meditation, harmony, romantic dreams, and looking forward to falling in love. Finally, all the squabbles and disagreements are behind you, and it is time for peace and quiet. It is time to enjoy life, its beauty, diversity and enjoy music.
WORKThe card shows warm and friendly atmosphere within the work team, well-paced work without haste and bustle, and an upbeat mood. If you have intentions to change the place of work, the card says that you will give preference to something creative.
CONSCIOUSNESSYour head is in the clouds. You are building castles in the air and live by your emotions, creating an illusory view of reality. Just be aware, that such an outlook on life may fail you, because it seems frivolous.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSHere comes a period of warmth, mutual understanding, tenderness, joy. It could be a beginning of a new relationship, or perhaps, a reconciliation with an existing partner, which will lead you to better understanding of each other.