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Tarot card: THE MOON


The Moon card has two sides – light and dark - and it introduces us to the mysterious world of dreams and daydreaming. The light side of the Moon personifies a sensitive and creative person, romantic and amorous hopes and fantasies. The dark side of the Moon speaks of an anxious state of mind, panic, obsessive fear, hesitation, indecisiveness, low self-esteem and prejudice towards all the unknown and invisible


The card shows that you are constantly engaged in self-criticism, you are fearful and insecure about pretty much everything: about your future (“What if I get fired, or have my benefits cut”), about your skills and knowledge (“What if I fail the exam, qualification, etc.”), about your abilities (“What if I’m pursuing the wrong career”) and so on. The problem is magnified by the fact that your fears have no ground. It’s not that easy to run from your fears – even under new circumstances they will find something to feed on. The essence of the fear lies much deeper. You must search for it in the depths of your soul to strike it at its root.


You are facing a rare opportunity, which at the same time carries a huge danger. You are about to dive into the depths of your subconscious. An uncontrolled mind can ignite what you are afraid of, because in that moment you are ruled by your subconscious, which can uncover your hidden fears that can greatly harm you. There is a popular Spanish proverb: “A mind that is asleep gives birth to monsters.” Facing these monsters is the most difficult test of your life. Don’t get absorbed in playing with your subconscious – it won’t lead to anything good.


Either you or your partner are a romantic and dreamer at heart who lives by feelings, emotional experiences, with the head in the clouds. At the same time, this person’s psyche is being eroded by insecurities, personal inferiority and fear. It is hard to co-exist in such a relationship where one partner is overtaken by distrust, quick temper, defensiveness and an acute fear of loneliness. However, if the partners are ready to work out these fears, rooted in early childhood, then it is quite possible to get rid of them forever.

