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Tarot card: NINE OF SWORDS


You are bothered by something to the point that you can’t sleep at night. Perhaps, remorse, a sense of shame or you feel some kind of danger to your life – maybe a disease, a certain problem, or a challenge. The card is not saying exactly what is weighing you down and upsetting you so much. It only shows your desperation, anguish, fear, or a sudden horrible awakening.


The card shows a depressed and pessimistic attitude. You are tormented by something – your boss, the atmosphere inside the team, or the job itself. Maybe you are afraid that you will not be able to manage the task at hand, or the fatigue due to increased workload. Maybe some kind of audit coming up, or you are nervous before an important deal, a public speaking assignment, an exam, etc. Perhaps, you are bothered by your unclean conscience, because you have made a mistake at work and are scared that it will be discovered.


You have lost clarity of thought because of fear or guilt. The card doesn’t say whether these feelings are justified or not, but they still confuse you, depriving you of self-confidence. Perhaps, you have made an unpleasant discovery for yourself and are now scared of the consequences.


You are overwhelmed by spiritual torments, you are in doubt. You are in a depressed mood because you are single or because you are scared of losing a loved one. These fears could be justified or not. Maybe you are ashamed of falling in your partner’s esteem, because he will find out (or already has) some unpleasant things about you. You are afraid to be abandoned.

