The card demonstrates a chance, an opportunity, some kind of push, a specific proposal, or a correct, right decision. It could be a successful deal, a new job, a promising job position, an unexpected life lesson, but with a favorable outcome for your current situation.
WORKYou will receive a new unexpected assignment, in which you will be assisted. You are facing promising new prospects. Perhaps, you will get a job offer, a promotion at work, or you will complete a successful deal or a project.
CONSCIOUSNESSYou will finally get the result of your extensive efforts. Everything will finally be cleared up. All your problems and tasks will be solved; everything will get to its logical completion and fall into place. Your ideas will come to realize.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSYou are about to make a decisive step, take concrete actions in order to move from the beginning romantic stage of the relationship to a real, strong and long-term union. The card also shows the possibility of successfully resolving problems and argument that have been accumulating every year, and a transition of your relationship to the next level.