The card indicates a sharp mind, openness, sincerity, independence, lively imagination and ingenuity. It says that you solve all your problems using logic, and that you strive for higher levels of cognition, without losing yourself in the sea of ideas and doubts. She is an independent, self-sufficient woman thanks to her strong common sense. Only occasionally she puts on a mask of the Snow Queen to hide her cold-blooded premeditation and alienation.
WORKHere, the card speaks of a desire to learn, discover new and interesting things. You are a true professional in your field, you have a good reaction, an instinct for success, independent and flexible behavior in business negotiations. The card also shows that you are too independent, and you will not make sacrifices for the sake of prestigious and high-paying work if you are not satisfied with the working conditions. You will quit immediately if you get a better offer.
CONSCIOUSNESSThis is a period of awakening your consciousness and discovering your true self. In this aspect, the card speaks of curiosity, vivid imagination, creative ideas and willingness to uncover and learn everything new, which allows you to realize your dependence on something and get rid of it forever.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSYou are searching for the meaning of your relationship. You are trying to dissect it and understand what is good and what is bad. By becoming free and independent, you are more confident and demand the equality in the relationship. You demonstrate that you will not be silent and abiding anymore. It is possible that this protest takes the form of coldness and subtle irony.