Do not go changing the world or the people around you – start with changing yourself first. When you change yourself, the people around you will change too, and the world will change. © The keys to life
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Tarot card: THE SUN


The “sunny” card – the name of this card speaks for itself. It signifies cheerfulness, optimism, the joy of living, warmth and self-confidence. In addition, the card voices youthfulness and fresh emotions, as if a person was born anew. This is your bright side of life. The card’s advice is to open up to your sunny nature, recognize your dark side and bring it to the God’s light.


Work brings you true joy. Everything you take on turns out perfectly. You work with full commitment, zeal and enthusiasm. Your work environment is kind and friendly , you have positive and productive relationships with your bosses, colleagues and business partners.


When it comes to understanding the Sun card – this is its key meaning. It signifies the increase of vital energy, getting rid of illusions, the awakening and ripening of your sunny nature, which is now identified as your true self. The card says that you’ve learned to listen to yourself, trust yourself, you have confidence in yourself and self-sufficiency. This is the right path to your true self.


The Sun gives both partners the most tender, warm and happy relationship, vital energy, initiative and joy of life. In terms of possible events – vacation, relaxation, possibly travelling. In terms of feelings – the generosity of the soul, unselfishness, the ability to give oneself to the other, while not compromising your nature. The partners love and respect each other, pamper each other. They live in mutual understanding and harmony.

