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Tarot card: TEN OF CUPS


The card Ten of Cups represents the level of the highest harmony and love. Your feelings are deep and pure; you are free from illusory hopes and self-deception. Most importantly, you are confident in your future. You have harmony in everything – in your soul and in your relationship. You are in a peaceful state of mind, exuding love and joy in communication. There is true happiness and a feeling of deep gratitude in your family.


You have excellent, solid relations with your colleagues. In this aspect, the card speaks of courtesy, amiable relations with superiors, subordinates, teachers, colleagues. You are about to make new acquaintances, contacts, business contacts that will contribute to your professional growth.


Your soul is in the state of peace and quiet. You have forgotten all the bad and gloomy, and it has been replaced by joy and lightness of being. You are open for creative inspiration. At a deeper level, the card speaks of genuine love of people.


Old resentments and difficulties are far behind you. This is the beginning of a bright streak in the relationship. You feel a sense of security, comfort, joy, gratitude and tranquility. Your union is ruled by love, trust, mutual understanding and the purest feelings. Often the card speaks of a new acquaintance, or even a wedding.

