This is a card of stability, wealth, abundance, fortune and confidence in the future. Wealth can be expressed both externally and internally. Still, do not get too cozy with all the superficial stuff and do not forget about the matters of the soul and everyday tasks. Everyday routine can also contain the miracles of life – you just need to be able to see them.
WORKThe card shows that everything is fine at work. You have a stable position, decent income, successful projects, exciting work assignments, and interesting meetings. You are successful financially and socially. Just make sure to pay attention to the routine tasks – maybe you will discover something new for yourself.
CONSCIOUSNESSYour go-getting brain and new discoveries expand your horizons of new knowledge. As an erudite person, you put all the pieces of your vast knowledge together into a completed puzzle and it becomes the basis of your further actions. You have realized what power knowledge is.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSYou are entering a beautiful period of relationship with your other half. The main role here is played by your inner wealth, your spiritual world. You notice the slightest expressions of attention and love, which used to get lost in the hectic everyday life.