If you tell yourself and others that you have already changed, it means that you have not changed at all – it is a mask. © The keys to life
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Tarot card: TEN OF SWORDS


The card shows the ending, the completion of something. Sometimes the end could be violent, tortured, the one that did not come at the right time. Often it is accompanied by painful emotional stress, suffering, but the card also speaks of the strength of mind and spirit that decided to finally draw a line. These are valuable, enriching experiences for you. In any case, this is a bitter, painful period of parting with someone or something.


The card implies a decisive, possibly rapid, sudden termination of work. You could be laid off, you could resign or simply change the area of business. In practice, most often it means a transition to a new place of work.


You are saying goodbye to your past. It could be about either some specific beliefs or your outlook on the world in general. Just think it over. Make sure you are not too quick with your decision, make sure you are not letting go of something really important. Could it be that you pass up a valuable life lesson, resisting only because it contradicts your old views?


The card has two meanings here. First one is a dangerous crisis, and as a consequence – abandoning bad, unnecessary relationships. The second one means that you often use the power of the mind to suppress your feelings, giving up something valuable, and as a result you risk destructing good human relationships.

