The Three of Cups is a card of joy, celebration, carelessness and gratitude. Something important, amazing, grand has happened in your life. You received a gift – from a person or from destiny, – which has filled you with joy, cheer and gratitude. The card means optimism, faith in the future; and at the domestic level – a party, a celebration.
WORKThe card signifies a successful completion of an important task – passing an exam, getting a degree, getting a raise, getting a promotion, concluding a profitable deal. All of these cases cause for celebration. Maybe you have a very warm and friendly atmosphere at work; then the card promises a picnic with colleagues.
CONSCIOUSNESSYou have come to the logical conclusion of an important phase of your personal development. Finally, a period of crisis and tests has come to an end. It was a difficult but very valuable life experience for you. That is why you are now full of optimism and energy, you are in good spirits and joyful mood and you are grateful to fate for the opportunity to enjoy life.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSHere, the card means the joys of honeymoon or simply a harmonious relationship with your other half. You are feeling grateful for having such a great partner. Perhaps you are expecting a baby or have just welcomed a child into your lives.