The card symbolizes a needed, necessary and productive experience, or a successfully passed exam. It says that you have climbed a step higher. This could be a successful completion of studies or a project, a transition to the next stage of personal or professional development.
WORKThe card speaks about developing your professional skills, continuing professional development. You have completed the next course or stage of professional development and can now take on new tasks and responsibilities in accordance with your new skillset. Another meaning of the card – a test, an audit, a challenge, an exam, where it is important for you to get recognition and possible career advancement. In any case, the card doesn’t show any change of the type of activity or career.
CONSCIOUSNESSThe card indicates spiritual growth, when the amount of accumulated knowledge in being transformed into quality. Your long journey is approaching the truth. This is the threshold, beyond which your search for everything will be replaced by the search for a single one.
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSYour search is finally over and you will create a loving and sincere relationship. First, you need to take a responsible step that will allow you to move to a new level of relationship with your partner. If you are already in such a relationship, it means that past difficulties and problems are behind and you are entering a new level of understanding. You are on the verge of discovering the great mystery of love.