Do not go changing the world or the people around you – start with changing yourself first. When you change yourself, the people around you will change too, and the world will change. © The keys to life
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This is a card of sorrow, unrequited love, broken heart, but it is not the only meaning. The main thing is a choice made in disregard for feelings. Whether it’s cowardice or a step towards freedom – it all depends on your question and on other cards in this reading. The card has a negative connotation. It says that the feelings are being suppressed by reason. It says that you are not using your heart, but your head. However, if you managed to escape from a dependency, then this step was necessary, albeit painful.


You are required to take actions that go against your feelings. You are expected to do a job that you can not stand, or reprimand an employee who is actually dear to you. Maybe you'll have to participate in a conversation that makes you sick. In general, in this area the card only shows negative events, including getting fired.


The card shows getting rid of illusions, misconceptions, or old views. You will discover a bitter truth. You will have to make a step that you have been dreading or avoiding out of a feeling of disgust. If the intellect suppressed your feelings, then the card serves as a warning. If, however, the reason can free you from overwhelming emotions, then a painful step can become a salvation, like an operation made in time.


The card implies an unhappy, unrequited love. Your relationship has reached a dead end and has become a torture for you, a burden. Most often, it is ridden with constant insults, bitter disappointments, mutual reproaches and accusations. A positive meaning of the card is breaking a bad relationship, ending a sick union.
