A man becomes free and able to take action when a woman who loves him refuses to own and control him. © The keys to life
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Tarot card: THE TOWER


For quite a long time you have been living with a sense of comfort and security, and suddenly, everything collapsed like a house of cards. Your beliefs, life's principles, habits, work, friendships or other relationships are collapsing – those areas of life that you have already outgrown. They no longer meet your changed needs. It feels like a bolt from the blue: everything was fine until it suddenly wasn’t. You were not ready for this, so most likely you perceive it as a catastrophe. However, when the first shockwave passes, you will understand what a relief it has been.


The card frees you from unnecessary shackles, opening up an endless to you an endless horizon for new activities. In terms of possible events – changing the place of work, i.e. you quit your job on your own initiative or on the initiative of your boss, the company filed bankruptcy, or some other problems related to work. At first, this will be a difficult test for you, but eventually you will clearly see new and better perspectives.


A terrible feeling of collapse of all your old principles, viewpoints on life, an uncomfortable sense of despair. You have long been burdened by these feelings, but didn’t want to admit it and have been suppressing them. Now you clearly feel that the world as you knew it has collapsed and you need to move on. Only later you will realize that this was an important turning point in your life, a revision of all life's doctrines, a transition to true being. This is a breakthrough towards freedom!


The card most likely shows a destructive beginning in your relationship. You have been patient for a long time, struggled with your doubts, but it's time to break ties with the partner who have been holding you back in personal or professional growth. To open up to a new relationship, first you need to close the door behind the past.

