If you tell yourself and others that you have already changed, it means that you have not changed at all – it is a mask. © The keys to life
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Tarot card: TWO OF SWORDS


The card shows the circumstances when a person is overcome with strong persistent doubts. You are desperately trying to find a way out of this situation, but the real certainty will only come when you truly realize your problem on an emotional level as well, since this area has been cut off from the rest. The crossed swords show the intellect’s boundaries, which close its access to the sensory side. You are in an unfortunate situation, and you need to listen to your intuition, because you are being too presumptuous to rely only on logic.


You are in a situation where logic prevents you from choosing what to do next, but you are too stubborn to follow your intuition instead. If you continue suppressing your feelings, it will not lead to anything good, and you will never find a meaningful solution to the problem.


In this aspect, the card shows intelligence and excellent analytical skills. You have a talent to dissect the most intricate problems – step-by-step, piece-by-piece. The only caveat is that at the end of such an analysis there will be a mountain of small parts that you won’t be able to put back together. In the meantime, while the path to cohesiveness is closed, you will not achieve harmony with yourself. Hence, the stricter the logic, the more logical the conclusion will be.


Chaos has taken over your relationship. You don’t want to, or rather, are not able to make a final decision. Your union is in great jeopardy. The situation is dangerous, close to critical, and constant doubts only exacerbate the state of affairs. The only way out is to end the relationship. Still, you cannot get used to such a tool – you should use it only once.

