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Love cards: Eight of Spades

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Eight of Spades


The Eight of Spades is the strongest of all. She also has the heaviest burden - she needs to learn to use her power only for good. But the temptation to use its potential for evil and achieve what it wants by any means is sometimes unusually strong. But the Eight of Spades came to this world to work for the good of mankind and should put this task above their own happiness and not abuse the power bestowed on them. Eight of Spadess are workaholics, active and active, possessing an unbending, iron will. The Eight of Spades often see themselves as the ultimate truth, while being deeply misguided and at risk of running into serious trouble.

Suit Spades is the kingdom of the spirit, although many of its representatives find it difficult to switch from material values ​ ​ to spiritual ones. If the Eight of Spades sets itself a certain goal, it will easily achieve it. But the tests associated with the huge potential of this card, a person will face serious. If people with this birth card follow the lowest path or succumb to their fears, they will cease to distinguish what is true and false in this world and gradually destroy themselves.

The Eight of Spades needs those around it to admire its hard work. Often, the Eight of Spadess marry wealthy partners. If the marriage breaks up, the Eight of Spades tend to be a winner. They have the ability to overcome all obstacles and are reborn to a new life, like a phoenix. If they, having all these amazing abilities, follow the right path, they will change for the better not only their lives, but also the lives of their loved ones. One of the tasks of the Eight of Spades is to develop an optimistic attitude towards life, despite all the shocks prepared for it by the Fate. Spirituality brings them personal freedom and always benefits.

Eight of Spades is a fairly sustainable card, it has no inherent indecision and anxiety, so it has a good chance of a successful marriage and happiness in love. However, the Eight of Spadess often lack maturity emotionally, and need time to understand the essence of true love. Often they perceive a love relationship as a game of mind, but with age and experience, wisdom and sincerity come to them. The Eight of Spades is attracted to people with whom it is interesting to communicate, and those who are smarter than it cause is¬krenneye admiration. Often, the Eight of Spadess have office romances. In general, the state of finance is of great importance for the Eight of Spadess when choosing a partner for marriage: their innate practicality affects. But internal strength can not only help build relationships, but also destroy them, so the Eight of Spades should be especially diplomatic in marriage, only in this case it is possible to achieve strong and harmonious relations in the family.

Men with this birth card are drawn to women Diamonds, but often conflict with them. A good friendship is possible with your suit - Spadess. Since the Eight of Spades is a card of power, it can have conflicts on the basis of sharing power with people whose birth cards are Jack, Lady or King, that is, with members of the royal family, also from birth endowed with true power.

At the age of Mercury (under 13 years old), people with this birth card dream of love and even a child! Until the age of 26, dreams of love fade somewhat against the background of a desire to make a career and make a lot of money. Mars (up to 39 years old) is characterized by the emergence of new ideas with which you can earn a lot of money and provide yourself with a beautiful and carefree life. At the age of Jupiter (up to 52 years old), the Eight of Spades can part with their loved ones or leave them, for example, on business trips. During the Saturn period, the Eight Spadess especially show creative abilities, and this period can also be called a period of significant mental activity. Later, stresses or throwing from one area of ​ ​ activity to another are possible.

This is a card of power and success in work, good health, achieving goals. This is the strongest of the Eights. She can use her potential in any area, and everywhere she is guaranteed success. True, sometimes there may be a temptation to use force for evil, subjugate others, impose their will on them. In this case, a person risks significantly worsen (weigh down) his karma.
