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Love cards: Five of Hearts

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Five of Hearts


5 - Five of Hearts
the emotional adventurer

Personality Description

All Fives should focus on a specific task if they want to achieve stable success in their lives. And the Hearts Fives are no exception. The Four of Diamonds as their Karmic Card indicates that these people experience difficulties with reliability and protection, which can last a lifetime if they do not recognize them. Their main concern is in the financial area. Diligent work and attachment to one task will always bring success to the Hearts Fives. The question is whether they will be able to stay in one place long enough to wait for the reward. Many of them succeed, but often not so easily and naturally. The Hearts Fives want to experience everything that love and money can offer them. But how can they do this if they are tied to one place and one job? There may be only one way out: a profession or occupation related to travel. Frequent and diverse travel is exactly what the Hearts Fives need. Usually, they are almost ready and able to go anywhere.

Being by nature seekers, the Hearts Fives are constantly searching for new and diverse relationships with people. Usually, each new relationship is another life experience for the Hearts Fives. If a Hearts Five is in a long marriage, it is only because they hope to feel and experience something important because of it. As soon as the Hearts Fives get full satisfaction - from communicating with a person or from the feelings they have for them - they can immediately move on without hesitation. Some Hearts Fives are indiscriminate in their acquaintances and generally unreliable towards partners. But sometimes their search for life experience can be satisfied as a result of travel and visits to foreign countries. The Hearts suit, in addition to love relationships, is also associated with home and family. To satisfy their thirst for novelty, the Hearts Fives can acquire new homes abroad for themselves and create circles of friendly communication everywhere.

The second Karmic Card for the Hearts Fives is the Five of Clubs, and the Saturn Card in the Life Spread is the Five of Diamonds. This makes them more restless than other Fives. In general, in their Life Spread, almost all the cards are with odd numbers. This indicates that the Hearts Fives are creative and flexible people. Many of them have artistic talent, which manifests itself either in their professional activities or in communicating with loved ones and in various household activities. They are also endowed with the gift of understanding spiritual ideas and principles, and some Hearts Fives even have unusual psychic abilities, such as photographic memory or instant mathematical calculation.

The Relationships of the Five of Hearts with Other People

By nature, the Hearts Fives are restless in love affairs and at some moments in their lives realize that they need a certain freedom in their love life. The Hearts Fives develop relationships most successfully with people similar to them, who also find joy in freedom and individual self-expression. Like the other Fives, the Hearts Fives often have an inner fear of obligations, seeing them as potential restrictions on freedom. Although a happy marriage is not out of the question for them, in most cases they are happier remaining single or at least in relationships that provide greater freedom of movement. The Hearts Fives' Life Spread also has a strong Three of Spades as the Venus card. It brings love expressed creatively and artistically, and attracts the Hearts Fives to people of a similar type. In addition, the Hearts Fives enjoy variety in personal relationships. They constantly feel the need to change partners.

However, the Hearts Fives always experience breakups of partnerships painfully, they always cause them anger and indignation. The Nine of Hearts as the Mars Card indicates that the Hearts Fives rarely dare to go through a divorce, unless their dreams perish and their passion fades. Those of them who have gone through the difficulties of divorce may never marry again and remain single for life. The Hearts Fives have a spiritual path in relationships. This means that the success of these relationships will depend only on trust and honesty, and the elimination of personal prejudices based on fear or anger. The Nine symbolizes victory at the spiritual level and a sense of divine love. It is one of the few cards capable of fully experiencing such love.

Compatibility of the Five of Hearts with Other Birth Cards

For the Hearts Five men, a happy marriage with Diamonds women is possible, and Spade women often turn out to be their friends. The Hearts Five women are often charmed by younger Club men, but they may have better relationships with Diamond men.

The Restless Heart of the Five of Hearts

The energy of our Birth Card and the cards of our Annual Spread can always manifest in various ways. People born under the influence of the Five of Hearts are no exception. It's not so difficult to imagine what these manifestations might be.

In the Annual Spread, the Five of Hearts can indicate a divorce. Does this mean that divorce is inevitable for the Fives of Hearts? Of course not. And yet, as a rule, the Hearts Fives constantly change their partner relationships. And this is not surprising. After all, the life task of the Five of Hearts is precisely to gain knowledge of various types of human relationships. All Fives are accumulators of experience. And since it is life experience that brings us wisdom, most Fives become wise people by acquiring it. And perhaps the soul of people born under the influence of the Five of Hearts has directed them into this reincarnation to acquire precisely that wisdom that comes only from life experience.

The Hearts Fives seek life experience in the field of partnerships, friendships, marriage, love affairs, divorce, and other situations related to love. Sometimes the Hearts Fives get married once, live for twenty years, and then get divorced and never marry again. In getting married, they immerse themselves completely in the experiences and acquire full-fledged life experience. And then they discard the experience they have gone through and never return to it again. It is interesting to note that the Hearts Fives never regret their past or present. Apparently, they always make thoughtful decisions, although many of them may seem to disregard ordinary human logic.

However, many Hearts Fives (especially those born before 1946) never divorced after getting married. They found other ways to express the energy of their card - constantly renewing their circle of friends, making new acquaintances in the public life. These Hearts Fives are very sociable and generous and are usually the soul of any company.

The Hearts Fives born after 1960 are a different generation. Now extramarital relationships are no longer met with such condemnation as before, and most of the new generation Hearts Fives are travelers who often change partners. They constantly move from one love affair to another, from one marriage to the next. This should be considered a more progressive form of the energy of the Hearts Five, as it is less traditional than the form of expression of energy in people born before 1946. However, in our time there are examples of other forms of expression of this Five, even among the younger generation, and these forms will continue to evolve. I hope that when you encounter the manifestations of the Hearts Five that are not mentioned here, you will pay attention to them. When studying any personality associated with the Five, we must always bear in mind: no matter what they do, the sole motive for their behavior is to gain life experience. As soon as the Five of Hearts satisfies its need for experience in one area, it invariably rushes to new life experiences. And if it takes thirty years of marriage to gain new experience, that's exactly what they'll do. And if one night is enough for this, the Hearts Fives won't stay a minute longer. By carefully looking at what they are doing, we can find out what kind of experience the people with this Birth Card need to satisfy their restless heart.
