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Love cards: Four of Spades

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Four of Spades


4 - Four of Spades
the card of job satisfaction

Personality Description

The Four of Spades is the card of job satisfaction, one of the most "solid", "stable" cards in the deck. People with this Birth Card often evoke associations with a stone cliff. They are extremely hardworking and capable; they can always be relied upon. In matters of wealth and success, they can count on constant luck. Usually they get real pleasure from their work. However, the Ace of Diamonds as their Saturn Card indicates that, despite all their successes, the Spade Fours are always concerned with financial problems and can put sticks in their own wheels. The Ten of Hearts as the Mercury Card indicates that they always behave adequately in society, and are also endowed with the gift of eloquence and can become excellent speakers. Often the Spade Fours turn out to be talented writers, advertising workers or performers in the literary field.

All Fours, as a rule, are very stubborn, and the Spade Four is no exception. Thanks to the Karmic Card of the Ten of Clubs, the Spade Fours are very erudite, intelligent and want to live by their own laws. They are receptive, endowed with excellent intuition and cannot stand any kind of restrictions. The Ten of Diamonds as the Venus Card gives them wealthy friends, but when choosing friends and loved ones, they are not recommended to pay too much attention to the financial issue.

Usually, the Spade Fours have a strong physique and good health; the best remedy for them is natural methods. The Four of Spades is the card of a worker, and it is in their work that such people find true harmony and satisfaction. Often they are engaged in charity work, which also brings them happiness and a sense of inner harmony.

In the later years of life, the Spade Fours often try to fulfill the dreams of their youth and travel the world a lot.

Relationships of the Four of Spades with other people

The Spade Fours are extremely loving and generous people, and although they can be stubborn and harsh, partners usually cannot complain about them. Often, the Spade Fours are drawn to people who have achieved financial success. This has a negative side: in the pursuit of outward glamor, the Four of Spades may lose sight of the true values on which love relationships are built. People of this card should learn not to mix money and pleasure, not to confuse business relationships with personal ones. The main cause of conflicts and upheavals in the personal life of the Four of Spades are financial worries. But in general, the marital karma of the Spade Four is not bad; the best partners for people with this Birth Card will be those who share their love of travel.

Compatibility of the Four of Spades with other birth cards

All Spade Fours can become good friends with Diamond women. Spade Four women are particularly fond of Clover men, and have a strong physical attraction to Spade men. Clover men usually bring problems to Spade Fours of both sexes. A Spade Four woman can enter into a successful marriage with a Spade man, especially if he is a mature enough personality endowed with a sense of responsibility.

Survival or Happiness?

What is hidden behind the harsh and impregnable appearance of the Spade Four? Often - an enormous thirst for reliability and material comfort. Of all the Fours, it is the Spade Four that is most drawn to stability and security in life. The connection with the number "Four" always implies the desire to create a position for oneself in which all the basic human needs would be satisfied. The Spade Four seeks security in work. This is an excellent worker who feels at ease only when working.

In addition to the connection with the number "four", the Four of Spades is also influenced by another factor that turns it into one of the most "conditioned" cards in the deck. This factor is the Ace of Diamonds as the Saturn Card in the Main Life Set. The Saturn Card usually indicates the area of life in which we face obstacles. Sometimes it represents tasks that are almost impossible for this person to accomplish. In the case of the Four of Spades, such a problem area turns out to be the thirst for money or the fear of being left in poverty. As a rule, this deep-seated fear does not come to the surface of consciousness. But it is this fear that is one of the most powerful incentives in the life of the Spade Four, and it must be realized in order to be freed from unnecessary obstacles. The Spade Four is a "workaholic". Other cards - the Ace of Diamonds and Spades and the Ten of Spades - can also manifest this property, but for other reasons. For the Four, however, this incredible diligence is explained by the eternal pursuit of material stability. The Saturn Card, the Ace of Diamonds, generates a constant fear that the necessary things or money will not be at hand when needed. And if the Spade Four does not track this fear and admit it to himself, he may spend his entire life filling this imaginary void.

The feeling of this emptiness causes many Spade Fours to unconsciously and endlessly fight for survival. When in such a "survival mode", a person becomes shortsighted and often makes wrong decisions that in the future can bring many problems (often bringing upon them precisely the troubles they are trying to avoid). But the Four of Spades is able to change this situation if it tries to honestly admit to itself the motives of its behavior.

The key step to change here is awareness. Simply asking whether we like our job or not is not enough. We need to go further in our reasoning. If we don't like our job, then we're probably holding on to it because of some kind of fear. And the stronger this fear, the less we like the job. Usually, all Fours have a natural love of work, so they need to answer these questions with complete honesty. And if they understand that it is some negative factors that force them to work so hard, they will have the opportunity to change their lives for the better.
