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Love cards: King of Clubs

Specify your date of birth and/or the date of birth of your loved one to learn about yourself and your partner.



King of Clubs


K - King of Clubs
the lord of knowledge

Personality Description

Crowning the suit associated with knowledge and communication, the Club King possesses everything needed for an authoritative position in any field of activity. People with this Birth Card have direct access to the knowledge accumulated over many past incarnations. They rarely turn to someone else's teachings or philosophy. They draw wisdom directly from an inexhaustible source and live by their own truth.

Club Kings can be found in any profession; usually they occupy responsible positions. They are always respected. Among them are outstanding artists, statesmen and musicians. One of their greatest advantages is their insightfulness and resourcefulness, as well as their charm, which makes them popular. They work better with a partner than alone.

The life problems of most Club Kings revolve around drug or alcohol abuse or some other forms of escapism. In their desire to understand and resolve internal conflicts, the Club King may go through many trials, sometimes unworthy, it would seem, of their enormous potential. However, by about the age of thirty, the Club King seems to awaken and become aware of their power and the associated responsibility.

This is the most spiritually receptive card in the deck. An intuitive approach to life is an innate trait of the Club King. The main problems of a person with this Birth Card lie in the area of marriage and are associated with the habit of becoming entangled in a convenient routine lifestyle, forgetting their higher purpose. The Club King can give a lot to the world, and if they do not realize their potential, they will have to regret it.

Relationships of the Club King with other people

In principle, the Club King has good marital karma. He likes emotionally close relationships. However, some aspects of married life pose a serious problem for him. One of the main difficulties is that the Club King is afraid of losing personal freedom by getting married. Freedom is important to him; he values it above all else and sometimes even above happy love relationships. However, this usually does not prevent him from getting married sooner or later.

Club King women often face problems related to marriage, sex or children. Their Pluto Card is the Heart Queen, which can manifest in various ways, but in one way or another, it will bring difficulties into the life of a woman born under the influence of the Club King. Such a woman will benefit greatly if she carefully studies the meaning of the Heart Queen, which symbolizes for her the task of spiritual transformation.

Men whose Birth Card is the Club King are usually attractive to women who embody the negative traits of the Heart Queen - escapism, laziness and indulgence in their weaknesses.

Regardless of their gender, Club Kings must learn to distinguish inner truth from romantic fantasies. They are strong, determined and insightful enough for this. The Club King's partner must learn to cope with his strength without taking a defensive position, which can be perceived as a provocation. Women born under the influence of this card sometimes find it extremely difficult to find a suitable partner with whom they can be themselves and not pretend.

Compatibility of the Club King with other birth cards

Club Kings of both sexes get along best with Diamonds. They have problems with Hearts, except for the King of Hearts, who is usually a lucky partner. The friends of Club Kings are usually representatives of the Club suit, for whom the Club Kings often act as teachers in one way or another.

The Highest Truth

The Club King is exceptionally insightful and receptive to things that other people rarely pay attention to. He feels uncomfortable until all the i's are dotted. He can be too meticulous in the details and believes that everything must have its own reasons and justifications. The Club King is always looking for these justifications and does not rest until he finds them and recognizes them as true. And having found the truth, he unites with it with his soul and heart.

In his search for ever higher truth, the Club King undergoes many serious transformations. In the end, he burns in the fire he himself kindled. So if the Club King demands that you face the truth he has seen in you, remember: truth is a double-edged sword that wounds not only you, but your partner as well. Most Club Kings seem to understand this, and if they criticize you or make any suggestions, they do so with great compassion and understanding.

At the core, the Club King is extremely progressive, and his position seems unorthodox, and sometimes even eccentric, to many people. But it is precisely because of this Aquarian quality that Club Kings are changing the world for the better, introducing new ideas. The fact that many of them eventually take on leadership roles, and that the Club King is one of the four most frequently encountered Birth Cards, shows that it is the Club Kings who are the driving force behind the development of our society and culture. A single glance at the list of famous people born under the influence of this card is enough to understand the significant contribution that Club Kings have made to the life of humanity. If everyone would listen to their advice, our world would be based on clarity of thought and on a truth that can be understood and proven.

Club Kings achieve great success in literary activities. After all, the realm of the Club suit is thoughts, ideas, words, beliefs, and communication. The highest realization of the Club King's potential lies in the ability to proclaim and defend his highest truth before the world and to help other people grasp it.
