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Love cards: Nine of Hearts

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Nine of Hearts


9 - Nine of Hearts
the card of universal love

Personality Description

The Nine of Hearts is a card of great achievements, great losses, or both together. Like its "reflection" card, the 7, it is associated with the number of spirituality, so all its achievements are rarely personal: in order to succeed, it must build the right hierarchy of its desires. The Hearts Nine is under the double influence of Saturn, which means that for the slightest deviation from truth and justice, it is quickly and sometimes ruthlessly punished. All Nines have come into our world to finally settle their debts from the past, pay off the bill - and move on. In the case of the 9, this means the completion of certain key relationships with people, equivalent to passing certain stages of soul development. If the Hearts Nine resists this need, it will perceive the completion of important relationships as disappointment or loss, rather than the achievement that it really is. The life path of the Nine of Hearts consists of spiritual lessons. Those Hearts Nines who listen to the higher call will be rewarded with a relatively happy life; those who will give in to their fears and the desire to flee from reality will be subjected to painful trials. It is quite possible that at certain periods of life, the Nine of Hearts will experience significant financial losses, but this should be understood not as a tragedy, but as the payment of old debts.

The 9 are generous and self-sacrificing people, ready to share their spiritual wealth with the whole world. An innate desire to help others leads them to the profession of advisers and consultants. However, they should still exercise caution and not sacrifice themselves too zealously. The 9 are endowed with unparalleled ingenuity and creative talents that can be very successfully applied in any field of science or business. Part of their task is the wise use of these talents and the ability to refrain from dishonesty and fraud. The Nine of Hearts is either a very happy, generous person, or a sufferer whose life is a continuous series of problems and troubles. But one should remember that a person is always able to choose the higher path, even when working with such a problematic Birth Card as the Hearts Nine.

Relationships of the Nine of Hearts with other people

If people with this Birth Card did not want to act at the highest level of the number nine, their love life turns out to be hardly the most complex and painful among all the cards in the deck. The Nine of Hearts is doomed to losses in this area, and only by their correct attitude to these losses can they turn them into achievements. The Hearts Nines are restless and overly emotional. They often change their mind about what kind of personal relationships they need, or attract partners who are not able to devote themselves to true love.

The Nine of Hearts tends to create a strong interdependence with a partner in personal relationships. It is characterized by a "savior-victim" type of relationship, which creates many problems and complicates the solution of real life problems that arise in certain situations. If the Hearts Nine stops telling himself that he is doing everything for the sake of helping his partner, he will sooner discover the truth and find the desired happiness.

Compatibility of the Nine of Hearts with other birth cards

Male Hearts Nines are attracted to Spade women; a good marriage is possible with the Spade Five. Female Hearts Nines more often find their happiness with men of their own suit, although relationships with Club men can also be interesting and fruitful.

The Nine of Hearts and the Seven of Diamonds - Karmic Spiritual Twins

The 9 is one of the four special Birth Cards called "semi-fixed". These four cards are divided into two pairs, within which there are completely special relationships. One of the two such wonderful pairs is the 9 and the 7. In some ways, these two cards are completely opposite to each other, and at the same time they have a lot in common. In the Life Spread, the 7 is under the double influence of Venus, which symbolizes satisfaction, beauty, abundance of material comforts and pleasures. And the 9 experiences the double influence of Saturn, which gives completely opposite properties. Saturn personifies limitations, karmic debts and difficult life lessons.

So, in the Life Spread, these two cards are at different ends of the spectrum. However, in the Annual Spreads, each of these cards moves to the opposite position every year. In other words, if at birth they were arranged in the Life Spread as described above, then the next year they change places. The 9 goes under the double influence of Venus, and the 7 - under the double influence of Saturn. This continues throughout life. This phenomenon is peculiar only to these two cards and distinguishes them from all the other cards in the deck.

Since the 7 and the 9 change places every year, their life experience is often almost the same. At times, both experience peaks and the favor of fortune, and at times they go through painful lessons and solve difficult problems. They face both tragic emotional losses (9) and huge financial gains (7). Both cards are highly spiritual, both are associated with spiritual numbers, and their life success largely depends on how well they have been able to integrate spiritual philosophy into their lifestyle.

If the 9 meets the 7 on their path, they have a chance to create unique close relationships. Since these two cards are so closely connected to each other and have so much in common, the potential of their interaction is extremely high. United, they can reach the heights of true love. The main factor in their relationship, as a rule, becomes the principle of mirror reflection. If they have not learned to openly accept and acknowledge certain traits of their own personality, a crack or even a complete break may appear in their partnership. But if they know how to love themselves, their union will be unparalleled in the strength of feelings and stability.
