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Love cards: Nine of Spades

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Nine of Spades


Oh, and this card is difficult! In any deck of cards that we use for divination, there are three of the scariest cards that scare everyone - these are the so-called death cards: nine of Spades, six of Spades and ace of Spades. Indeed, Nine of Spades is a card of completions, as are all Nines. Sooner or later, everything comes to its natural end, be it relationships, study, work, etc. What can I say, life itself is finite.

Nine of Spades is a card of universal life. This is the strongest of the Nines, with an almost insurmountable need to get rid of personal negativity and a destructive lifestyle. Some of the people born with such a card are forced to put up with loss and loss almost all their lives, but there are also those who devoted themselves to serving others and achieved true happiness. At some stage, Nine of Spades must "die" and be reborn for a new life. Sometimes you need to get rid of everything at once: from habits, outdated views on life (including views on personal and business relations), to lose the relevance of professional interests. The Nine of Spades cannot ignore their inherent spirituality. If they recognize the peculiarities of their personality, they will take the path of dedication and free themselves because they actually prevent them from fulfilling their true purpose. In this case, they will be able to make a significant contribution to the development of mankind. In short, these are people who endlessly sacrifice themselves in the name of the highest good.

Nine of Spades often become famous artists, artists, teachers. They are able to love, and thanks to innate wisdom, they gain success and popularity. Nine of Spades often faces challenges in her personal life, but can overcome negative emotions thanks to the great power of boundless love.

They are capable businessmen who can conquer unprecedented financial peaks. The wider the range of their activities, the further they move on the path to divine enlightenment and awareness of their place in this world.

Nine of Spades can attract any partner, but she is haunted by a subconscious fear of opening her soul, and then losing her beloved. It is because of this quality that Nine of Spades actually condemns herself to loss. In their youth, many Nine of Spades experience unhappy love that leaves a bleeding wound in their hearts for a long time. If a person of this card is lonely, then he himself wants it, because romantic relationships in the lives of these people can ensue by themselves, without much effort.

Women Nine of Spades are extremely independent personalities, and this becomes the cause of the main problems in personal life: not every man can cope with such a woman who, like a cat, walks on her own. There are many single mothers among the women of the Nines Peak. The Nine of Spades woman does not want to associate herself for life with one partner, unless she considers herself the savior of a particular person. People with this birth card are kind, responsive, but they will have to part with many people important to them in one way or another during their life, and their main task is to learn to perceive these losses as a natural course of life, as liberation from the old and unnecessary, and not as a universal tragedy.

Nine of Spades feel like soul mates with worm cards, while tambourines can experience a strong physical attraction.

The peak suit is the last in our deck. In the present incarnation, the Nine of Spades completes the most important cycle of development of its soul. She may be living her last incarnation. In practical terms, each Nine of Spades achieves a lot during its lifetime. She came to the world to complete certain personal relationships and free herself from those that no longer meet the increased spiritual requirements of the person. The of Spadess are the strongest suit of the deck, meaning Nine of Spades should be freed from far more attachments than the other Nines. It is not surprising that in this case it may seem to someone that, having cut off all unnecessary connections, getting rid of all the "junk," the soul has nothing to do on Earth. In fact, Nine of Spades is preparing in this embodiment for a new life, happier than the previous one. Only one thing is bad - she too often focuses on her losses and losses, instead of rejoicing in farewell to old things and obsolete relationships.

In the first 13 years of his life, Nine of Spades loves to communicate with friends, often falls in love. During the period of Venus (up to 26 years old), great love is born in her soul, addressed to all people without exception. During the Mars period (up to 39 years old), she fights for her place in the sun, striving to achieve financial independence, and may even become the owner of her own business. Under Jupiter (up to 52 years old) gives karmic love debts, and during the period of Saturn (up to 65 years old) accumulates new knowledge.

Nine of Spades is the strongest among the Nines, because the number nine is the number of the Universe itself; people with this birth card are associated not only with difficulties and losses, but also with victories over them. For those who do not appreciate inner frankness and spirituality, the card necessarily makes it clear that the wrong path has been chosen (problems begin at work, diseases appear).

This is one of the death cards, although it has no relation to death as such in this case. Nine of Spades brings the highest spiritual experiences to human life, as a result of which a deep understanding of the laws by which the universe lives, an awareness of the place of man in this world and his connection with Space comes.
