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Love cards: Queen of Clubs

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Queen of Clubs


Q - Queen of Clubs
the card of natural intuition

Personality Description

All Queens are inherently receptive and called to serve and help people. Due to the intellectual nature inherent in the Club suit, the Q is inclined towards publishing and administrative work, and the most developed of them - towards parapsychology. As a Queen, the Club Queen is always aware of her place at the royal court and resists anyone who tries to reduce her to the level of a standard person. 3, her Karmic Card, as well as 5 as her Venus card, indicate that the Club Queen's indecision and insecurity in love and friendship do not allow her to find lasting happiness. Club Queens have great mental abilities and, whether they realize it or not, always gain unusual knowledge through their innate psychic gift. People with this Birth Card have incredible organizational talents, but they lead such a stressful life that they often become overworked or overzealous.

A as the Jupiter Card promises the Q many blessings in life, but only if they follow the spiritual path in their work or pursuits. From past incarnations, they have inherited deep knowledge and always use it freely. The Q is also known as the "Mother of God Card," and many people born under her influence have a natural or adoptive child or several children for whom they must make sacrifices in their lives, just as the Virgin Mary had to sacrifice her son Jesus.

The Q is very capable and inventive, often doing several things at once, with many interests. They work better when their profession has a creative character and when they have freedom of movement. The Q is proud, ambitious and does her job well. Her natural desire to help and nurture others can find expression in work aimed at helping many people.

Relationships of the Club Queen with other people

Although many Q enter into marriage, it is not successful for everyone, and not all of them find happiness in it. People with this Birth Card are endowed with a powerful mind and strong will, and few can coexist with such willful partners. In addition, the Q is karmically doomed to one or more problematic partnerships in her life, which will eventually manifest. For this reason, many Club Queens, after entering into marriage, soon renounce it and never again tie themselves with marital bonds. Sometimes they are inclined to inconstancy in their desires, which causes their partners to doubt their love and becomes a cause of alienation. Club Queens act with full force in relationships, demanding the same full dedication from their partner. The emotional tension that the Q experiences every time she falls in love is exacerbated by her emotional indecision. The Club Queen has the most emotionally tense karmic relationships with partners among all the cards in the deck. This is indicated by the Seven of Hearts as her Saturn Card and the Three of Hearts as the Club Queen's first Karmic Card. Both of these cards speak of strong emotions that cannot be disregarded. And yet, if the Club Queen makes a determined effort, she can have very successful relationships with a partner.

The question is whether she will make these efforts. Many Club Queens find satisfaction in long-lasting but non-binding relationships. Often, work remains their lifelong first and only love, and personal relationships and the efforts needed to achieve true intimacy with a partner take a back seat.

Yet the Q has tremendous potential for creating perfect partner relationships. She is the Princess who marries the Prince, then becomes the Queen and lives happily ever after.

Compatibility of the Club Queen with other birth cards

Spade men find Club Queen women very attractive. Q men are liked by Diamond women. Q women usually have problems with most Heart men, although there are exceptions.

The Impatient Club Queen

The Q is a very sensitive and nervous card. She is always very irritable and intolerant of people she considers slow, stupid or lazy. The Club Queens themselves operate at such a high level that may seem too intense for most people. The Threes associated with the Birth Card and Life Path Cards give the Q a creative, inventive energy that allows for easy adaptation, but is often too changeable. This is often manifested in their very fast thinking and action. The Mercury Card among the Life Path Cards characterizes a person's degree of haste. The Q has the 10, which has powerful energy and assertiveness, connected with Mercury.

Let's take an example. A Q woman was driving a car and tried to brake when a male driver suddenly crossed in front of her. It is unknown whether he did this intentionally or not, but the woman took it personally. She was so angry that, without stopping, she rammed his car. Later she regretted her action, as it cost her over $1,000. But at that particular moment, it was all very important to her. This example clearly shows the extremely nervous nature of the Q. But of course, not all representatives of this card would have acted the same way in this situation. Interestingly, all the adult stutterers I've met so far have been Q. It seems their minds were working so fast that their mouths couldn't keep up with everything they were thinking.

The Q is a tireless worker, and you can be happy if you have such a worker. They love to complete their work and can handle large projects faster than other people. They are excellent organizers and have many talents that they know how to use in their work. If they learn to restrain themselves a little and develop some tolerance for the slowness of other people, they will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor much more.
