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Love cards: Queen of Spades

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Queen of Spades


The card of self-improvement

Q ♠ is a person of development. This person possesses considerable power, can be powerful and influential, but nevertheless, he does not always achieve a high standing in society. Sometimes Q ♠ is ready to put up with her subordinate position, although she could reach unprecedented heights, including in the intellectual or spiritual areas. If people born with this card come to realize their outstanding abilities and accept the responsibility first of all for their own lives, they will be able to conquer any mountain.

Among these Queens, we can find very mean and sharp-tongued persons, but often we can also find real Mothers of the world, whose hearts are filled with true wisdom and kindness. They were all born to lead, to rule, but they must build their own lives without counting on anyone. The main thing in their life is to determine the value system. If Q ♠ only cares about achieving financial well-being, then she will waste in vain most of her amazing potential. Only intuition and a natural ability to improve will help her achieve maximum success in life.

Q ♠ is born with great intelligence and the skills and talents of a true leader and she is able to achieve great success in the field of education or in the literary field. Coupled with an independent character, innate wisdom and the ability to make the right decisions, all of that makes her a real Teacher, a spiritual leader who is able to guide others. The main thing for the Queen of Spades is to fully master her inherent abilities and hidden potential.

The Queen of Spades should not mix love and money. She is also prone to running into troubles with the law. That is why, she should avoid conflicts with powerful and influential people whenever possible and be more careful when choosing a partner.

Q ♠ loves to spend money and hates losing, hates defeat, although this is what all her lawsuits end with. To avoid trouble, she needs to use all her natural wisdom.

Q ♠ is a real idealist, and she has extremely high, sometimes even unrealistic expectations of other people. It is not surprising that the personal life, which is based on the dream of a beautiful prince or princess from a fairytale, often does not work out for the Queen of Spades. Following a romantic impulse in the spur of the moment, she can be cruelly deceived by entering a relationship with a dubious person who is very far from her ideal image. That is why, people born with this card, often experience considerable financial losses that are associated with their romantic life. They want to find a wealthy partner, appear prosperous, but, alas, dreams remain dreams. With age, Q ♠ can finally have fantastic success in love, if only she has not yet become hardened at heart and resigned to loneliness. However, sometimes she can consciously avoid the responsibility that comes with getting married.

The Queen of Spades typically find it easy to find common ground with people born with any card from the suits of Clubs. Women are often attracted to men-Clubs, but these relationships are not always easy.

Q ♠ has tremendous opportunities for spiritual self-improvement, but she does not always use them. She can get bogged down in the struggle for survival and not notice anything but work. In this case, she needs to make some efforts, to stop and take a breath in order to better understand herself and the world around her, and radically change her lifestyle. She should get rid of the fear of poverty – only in this case (by learning to take a relaxed approach to money) she will achieve true prosperity and become rich without struggle and too much efforts. The Queen of Spades should not try to change the outside world and try fixing other people. If she wants to succeed in life, she must first change herself. She needs to find the spark of God in her soul and embark on the path of self-knowledge, because it is our thoughts, beliefs, attitude and feelings, and not our actions that create the world around us.

In the period of Mercury (up to 13 years of age) Q ♠ accumulates knowledge, develops her inherent creative abilities and talents. At the age of Venus (up to 26 years of age), she will have to learn to understand the root causes of the events in her life and humbly accept her financial situation. If she learns to part with money without regret, she will receive the support of the Higher Power. Remember, when you spend the money – you get even more. If Q ♠ focuses on saving money and keeping expenses to a minimum, she will never be either rich or happy. In the period of Mars (up to 39 years of age), the Queen of Spades needs to learn to face her secret fears and accept her shortcomings, while working to overcome them.

This period can be marked by many misunderstandings, conflicts, even legal cases. Only having understood her true self, Q ♠ will become a true creator of her own destiny. During the period of Jupiter (up to 52 years of age), the Queen of Spades will have many business meetings. This is a period of communication, partnership, in which she should avoid unnecessary disputes. Only in this case, life will be harmonious, and Q ♠ will be able to achieve financial prosperity. In the period of Saturn (up to 65 years of age), the Queen of Spades will have to work harder (in the intellectual field) to succeed. Until the age of 65, Q ♠ is the master of knowledge. In subsequent years, having accumulated and analyzed all the acquired knowledge, Q ♠ will be able to fully develop her creative potential and, thanks to fresh and interesting ideas that will be easily generated, she will be able to make very good money.

This card is characterized by the ability to manage oneself well, to be an efficient leader in the service industry. The Queen of Spades also has excellent organizational abilities. Q ♠ is a person who works a lot and works hard; often a manager with excellent organizational skills. The ability to control her emotions and temptations coupled with her desire to discover her true self, will lead the Queen of Spades to success. The only negative characteristic of this card is that this person is rarely satisfied with his life, no matter how happy and cloudless it really is. Such dissatisfaction leads, in turn, to jealousy, antagonism and nihilism.

