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Love cards: Seven of Clubs

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Seven of Clubs


7 - Seven of Clubs
the card of spiritual knowledge

Personality Description

All the Sevens are highly spiritual cards, but a person must independently manifest this spirituality and transform the negative tendencies into true achievements and personal freedom. Otherwise, the influence of the Seven will bring him only troubles. The problems of the Seven of Clubs relate to the negative aspects of thinking, causing anxiety, doubts and pessimism. Club Sevens are endowed with innate intuition and insight, however, if they do not follow their inner impulses, the influence of Saturn will bring them many disappointments and sometimes even prolonged depression. Club Sevens have enough strength to overcome their problems and achieve the fame and recognition that they secretly strive for, but for this they need to make a lot of effort.

It is quite possible that at different periods of their life, the Seven of Clubs will receive large sums of money, but she tends to spend this money with incredible ease. Wise management of finances is not one of the abilities of the Club Seven. The Eight of Diamonds as the Karmic Card instills in the Seven of Clubs a desire for fame and recognition, but can turn her into a spendthrift and a wastrel. The Seven of Clubs spends money faster than she earns it. The reasons for these troubles lie in her way of thinking. Therefore, the Seven of Clubs is simply obliged to watch her thoughts, not allowing the slightest despondency and pessimism. She is always positively influenced by contact with spiritual teachings or ideals.

The second task of the Club Seven is to develop honesty and moral purity in herself. This is connected with her second Karmic Card - the Page of Spades, which is sometimes called the "card of the thief". If the Seven of Clubs allows her thirst for success to prevail over moral principles, she will have to suffer greatly, especially in the area of love and family relationships.

Relationships of the Seven of Clubs with other people

The love karma of the Club Sevens cannot be called either good or bad. The history of their love life will largely depend on how they cope with other areas of activity. If they find a worthy occupation for themselves, they will be able to master their feelings and romantic attractions more easily than any other card in the deck.

Of course, they do have some karma, and this karma can be expressed in two tasks: to learn to free themselves from personal attachments to other people, or to develop the right attitude towards a partner, as well as towards all other spheres of life. Club Sevens always feel better when they enter into marriage. Then they get the opportunity to achieve greater financial and professional success. Therefore, there are few bachelors among the Club Sevens.

The love relationships of Club Seven men are influenced by their second Karmic Card - the Jack of Spades. Many of them take on the role of a romantic famous actor. This leads to inconstancy and deception in love, as well as to extramarital affairs that help the Club Seven feel like a special person. If the Club Seven actually achieves the desired fame, this makes him more hesitant in choosing a marriage partner. This situation can lead to divorce and remarriage.

Compatibility of the Seven of Clubs with other birth cards

Club Sevens have completely special, unique relationships with Spade women or hardworking and determined women, regardless of their suit. Club Seven women often dream of men of their own suit, and their relationships with Diamond men are not easy, since the Pluto Card of the Club Seven is the Jack of Diamonds. The ideal partner for a Club Seven woman can be a Spade man.

Bill (Seven of Clubs) and Hillary (Nine of Hearts) Clinton

In many ways, Bill and Hillary are an ideal couple. The Seven of Clubs and the Nine of Hearts stand next to each other in the Life Spread. This alone is an excellent indication of marriage. But that's not all. The Seven of Clubs is located before the Heart Nine. This means that the Club Seven is the Mercury Card for the Heart Nine, and the Heart Nine is the Moon Card for the Club Seven. This is an excellent combination in which the partner standing "behind" allows his beloved to play the role of leader in the relationship. In this case, Hillary seems quite content with her position as an assistant and allows Bill to take the lead (at least at first glance). The assistant partner can provide the leading partner with invaluable support in their work. As a Scorpio with a Semi-Fixed Birth Card, Hillary is undoubtedly such an assistant for Bill, helping him maintain self-confidence and a sense of security. Bill, being a Leo and a Club Seven, is doomed to fluctuations in his sense of self-confidence. Club Sevens very often oscillate between two extremes, going from a feeling of absolute happiness and success in everything to pessimism and anxiety. Hillary's stable character undoubtedly helps Bill maintain inner balance and mitigate these fluctuations.

Bill's first Karmic Card is the Eight of Diamonds. The Sun Card, located at the center of the top row of the Life Spread cards. This means that a strong, although often hidden, desire for fame is characteristic of Club Sevens. It is especially pronounced when the Club Seven is born under the sun sign of Leo, also associated with the Sun Card. The influence of Leo enhances, and sometimes even hypertrophies, the thirst for leadership and fame, power and authority. At first glance, Bill preaches a philosophy based on a spiritual foundation (the Seven of Clubs is the card of spiritual knowledge). But the additional cards influencing his personality reveal the true motives, which may be no more complex than the usual thirst for recognition and admiration. This is why Bill builds his politics on popularity ratings, rather than on any clear philosophy or ideology.

Hillary is subject to the influence of similar motives. Being a Scorpio, she has two Planetary Ruling Cards: the Queen of Spades and the King of Clubs - signs of authority and leadership. Interestingly, the Spade Queen is the first Karmic Card of the Eight of Diamonds and in the Spiritual Spread she is the Sun Card. Therefore, we can conclude that Hillary is also endowed with remarkable leadership abilities and also strives for power and leadership position. With such an explosive combination of energies, it is no wonder that she has achieved such impressive successes in life. The Nine of Hearts is the "card of the savior". This is why Hillary makes such efforts to develop the healthcare system in America. This is fully consistent with the Heart Nine, which is called the "card of universal love". In many ways, Hillary is a much more effective leader than her husband, since she sincerely believes in her cause and is not so sensitive to the issue of popularity.

The first Karmic Cards of Hillary and Bill - the Eight and the Seven of Diamonds - are united in the Life Spread by an excellent connection through Venus. This means that the spouses are extremely close to each other emotionally and that their love is truly deep. This love adds strength to their joint work. The Venusian connection also indicates that Bill and Hillary have common values. They strive to unite their life goals in order to support each other in their work and in achieving their desired goals.
