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Love cards: Seven of Spades

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Seven of Spades


Sevens of of Spades can achieve the fulfillment of almost all their desires, they have a lot of talents with which you can achieve success. Nothing can hurt the people of this card except themselves and their own fears.

People with this birth card have excellent marriage karma: marriage can be successful and beneficial, both from a spiritual and material point of view. Sevens of Spades is drawn to wealthy and intellectual people, but too much importance should not be attached to the material basis of marriage, otherwise there will be more problems than happiness. Women of the Sevens of Spades find it difficult to be only housewives, they have great willpower and cannot be passive contemplators. But even with happy marriage karma, the people of this card face various problems, at the heart of which are their own fears and pessimism. If they learn to maintain faith in a better and optimistic outlook in any situation, luck will be on their side.

Women Sevens of of Spades are drawn to the men of the Tref and Bubi suit, and men have difficulty with women of the worm suit.

Many Sevens of Spades is involved in accidents, often involving accidents. All this is a consequence of the fact that they have to work out their own karma on their own bodies. That is why injuries or diseases are possible, the treatment of which sometimes takes years. Everything that happens to the Sevens of Spades on a physical level reflects their karmic problems. But they can turn their shortcomings into virtues if they begin to live in accordance with spiritual principles. Thanks to faith and a sense of gratitude to the Supreme Forces, they can overcome all problems and emerge victorious from any situation.

At the age of Mercury (under 13), Seven of Spades has an almost insurmountable craving for controversy. At the same time, they dream of finding friends close to them in spirit. During the period of Venus (up to 26 years old), they have to learn a lot and fruitfully, since the craving for knowledge defeats all other desires. After 26 years, they can produce great ideas and zaraba¬tyvat good money. During the period of Jupiter (up to 52 years), magnificent mating relationships await them, and during the period of Saturn (up to 65 years) - a solid material position.

The significance of this card is the acquisition of a reckless attitude to life, changes in work, health problems. The card requires a person to self-know, study their secret fears and shortcomings in order to overcome the difficulties that arise without end. And everything in this case depends on the person himself! Those who are in constant search strive to grow spiritually, the card brings the ability to understand and capture Divine energies and, accordingly, achieve success in everything. Those who have material values ​ ​ occupy the main place in life, the card puts in place, constantly makes it clear: something goes wrong, wrong. In this case, obstacles to achieving the set goals, difficulties at work, health problems are possible. For those who take responsibility for their lives and look positively at the world, the card will bring success.
