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Love cards: Six of Clubs

Specify your date of birth and/or the date of birth of your loved one to learn about yourself and your partner.



Six of Clubs


6 - Six of Clubs
the card of the missionary

Personality Description

The Club Six is also called the card of the psychic; but it is curious how rarely people born under its influence are aware of their innate gifts. In addition, the Six of Clubs means responsibility for the truth. People with this Birth Card must develop a system of truths that they can be guided by in their lives. Having found such a system, Club Sixes are capable of bringing a lot of good to the world.

Until the Six of Clubs has found its path in life, it remains extremely worried and indecisive. It needs to learn to maintain inner balance and harmonious communication with the people around it. Often Club Sixes easily achieve financial well-being; in general, this card is predisposed to achieving the highest level of material and spiritual success. However, there is a danger that the Six of Clubs will be satisfied with what it already has and will not want to move forward.

Being the "card of responsibility for the spoken word", the Six of Clubs always experiences problems related to the fulfillment of promises. Some Club Sixes for years can proudly demonstrate their commitment, remaining liars at heart. But sooner or later, this dishonesty turns against them, causing serious damage. People representing the highest level of the Six of Clubs always behave in accordance with their proclaimed beliefs and carefully watch their words.

The Club Sixes have a special karma associated with the abuse of power. Usually they sooner or later have to face this problem: either they get into a leadership position, where they learn to properly handle power, or they attract some powerful person into their life, with whom they are forced to struggle. One way or another, they eventually comprehend the true meaning of power and understand what a temptation it represents.

Some Club Sixes are endowed in life with a special mission, which is to bring others to the threshold of some ancient and powerful truth. These people are bearers of light. If they realize their hidden resources and their natural intuition, they will find protection and patronage in life from the highest forces.

Relationships of the Six of Clubs with other people

The Six of Clubs is quite amorous, but after experiencing some problems because of this in her youth, she learns to make a wise choice. Like any Six, she begins to ignore her feelings, which makes her restless and nervous. In fact, the Club Six should accept herself as she is, realize her emotions and understand what underlies her choice of a partner.

Women with this Birth Card are good wives and mothers; men, on the other hand, are inclined to fall under the influence of a strong woman. This is explained by their Karmic Card - the Eight of Spades. The Club Six has many pleasures in life. Thanks to the Heart Queen as the Venus card, she will receive more joy in love relationships than many other cards in the deck. The main thing here is not to indulge too much in her sensuality. The same Heart Queen provides the Club Six with good marriage karma, and at least one marriage in their life should be happy. The Club Sixes' ideas about love and marriage are often idealistic and romantic. The Six of Clubs should be careful in her choice, since a partner who initially seemed perfect may turn out to be quite different.

Compatibility of the Six of Clubs with other birth cards

Club Six men usually feel great affinity for Heart women. Club Sixes of both sexes have difficulty getting along with Spade men, especially those over 36 years old. Diamond men usually feel uncomfortable with Club Six women, although there is a strong attraction between them. All Club Sixes can become good friends with Club men.

The Purpose of Our Life

Each card in the deck has a highest form of expression, internally connected with its suit, number and position in the Life Spread. Understanding specifically what this highest form is for us can accelerate our progress towards harmony and inner balance. By setting a goal, we get a new charge of energy and enthusiasm. Work on ourselves ceases to seem routine to us and turns into a mission, as we part with our limited selfish goals and unite with some great task. Thanks to this, we gain powers and abilities that previously seemed inaccessible. The Six of Clubs is a great example of how much we can gain by realizing our higher purpose. The Club suit in general has to do with knowledge and communication between people. All people associated with this suit are necessarily seeking some higher information at some level that will radically change their lives for the better (just as the Diamonds seek some ideal object, the possession of which will bring them complete harmony). The Six of Clubs can become a person leading others to the highest form of knowledge capable of changing their lives for the better.

Many Sixes of Clubs are teachers, bookstore owners, counselors and publishers. The greatest spiritual leaders belong to their number. Club Sixes can act on other people as a catalyst, bringing them to a new way of thinking, just as John the Baptist led people to Jesus Christ. Club Sixes can help other people find their highest "self". In addition, they usually succeed in worldly activities. But without realizing themselves as a means of transforming other people, the Club Six cannot fully express its highest potential.

Six is a static number, and many people associated with it tend to "get stuck" halfway. Life may seem boring, monotonous and meaningless to them. However, by immersing themselves in the inner silence created by the constant and stable energy of the Six, they sooner or later achieve balance and begin to hear a certain inner voice addressed to them and only them. By listening to it, they receive guidance that helps them find the true path. All Sixes are endowed with innate intuition and the ability to look at things from different points of view. And their main task is to heed this intuition and learn to obey it. The Club Six will only truly be happy when it becomes a conduit for constructive information. It needs to understand that it has already once made such a decision, preferring to incarnate under the influence of this particular card.

We do not know the details of the mechanism by which the human soul chooses the patronage of a particular card for itself. We can only know that the guiding card was chosen in one way or another in accordance with the date of birth and that it determines the structure of our life experience according to some individual plan of progress towards the highest self-realization. By adhering to this structure, we act in harmony with the energy of the entire Universe.
