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Love cards: Six of Spades

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Six of Spades


6 - Six of Spades
card of destiny

personality description

The Six of Spades is called the Card of Destiny because it is the most powerful symbol of the law of cause and effect. What we sow, we will reap, both good and evil.

If the Six is our Birth Card, we can expect "fateful" events at any moment in our life. These events are predetermined by our words or actions, the consequences of which were not experienced immediately, but were postponed until the appropriate conditions arose for the compensation of these actions.

Some of these events are positive and beneficial, others show what the price may be for negative actions. For the strongest of all Sixes - the Six of Spades - there are more than enough such fateful events in life: they happen so often that many Six of Spades become fatalists. They begin to believe that in life they have very little choice and little strength to change the situation.

We really cannot change the course of events after they have occurred, but in life there are still many areas for which we are responsible, and in this regard, our choice is always very important. This is one of the main lessons for the Six of Spades.

The Six of Spades is a strong card, it is the card of a person who has come into our life to learn responsibility for the power given to him. Such people either strive for a higher goal, try to fulfill their dreams and achieve great success, or their power turns against themselves, leading them to ruin.

As a rule, people born under the influence of the Six of Spades are very responsible for their actions, but the strong influence of Neptune can lead many of them away from reality and plunge them into a world of fantasies and illusions.

These people are true dreamers, so they must make sure that their dreams do not diverge from high ideals and principles. They need to use all their power to achieve their highest dream. Nothing can stop them if this dream is pure. Its implementation at any level is guaranteed.

The Six of Spades has much greater potential for success and recognition than any other card in the deck, and many of them are born for great deeds.

The Eight of Diamonds as the Card of Mars and the King of Spades as the Card of Jupiter indicate a high probability of huge financial profit. Of course, for this opportunity to materialize, the Six of Spades need to act actively and be ready for great responsibility.

Sixes of Spades tend to stop halfway to their goal, "getting stuck" in both a comfortable and an uncomfortable position. In addition, they can be very stubborn. By gaining knowledge, they gain the opportunity to reach the main goal in their life and find many good friends.

Perhaps the most acute life situations arise for the Six of Spades in the area of love and romantic attractions. The inherent indecision works against them here. The Nine of Spades as the first Karmic Card of the Six of Spades indicates the danger of serious (sometimes even tragic) losses in the lives of these people.

However, this same Nine of Spades guarantees the Six of Spades great success if the main dream of their life becomes the desire to use all their abilities for the benefit of society. The Six of Spades can be excellent sponsors, philanthropists and patrons, manifesting themselves in the most universal way. Many of them reach great heights in their profession.

Relationships of the Six of Spades with other people

The Spade Six is constantly thinking about love and romantic pursuits. At the same time, it strives to approach the situation from an intellectual side. Therefore, it is forced to accumulate experience (both positive and negative) for a long time, until it acquires enough of it, to support its theoretical ideas and abundance of representation.

Sometimes the Sixes of Spades have multiple love affairs, which usually has bad consequences for them. Such a passion for numerous romances is usually rooted in their secret fear of not receiving enough love. This fear, which is symbolized by the Three of Hearts as the Card of Saturn, can cause great difficulties in the area of sincere intimate relationships - until the Six of Spades realizes it and overcomes it.

Sixes of Spades of both sexes are attractive to intelligent people. Spade Sixes-women love wealthy, authoritative or high-ranking men. In love, they can be cunning or dishonest (much like the Five or Six of Diamonds), and they need to try not to fall into their own trap.

Compatibility of the Six of Spades with other birth cards

Spade Six men have serious relationships with women of the Heart suit, but for these relationships to be stable, the Six of Spades must play a subordinate role in them.

Club men find Spade Six women quite attractive, and Diamond men like to be friends with them.

Spade Six women can derive the most diverse benefits from relationships with other Spade men.

Predestination against free will

According to many newspaper materials and interviews published in the 1890s, Olney Richmond claimed that life is completely predetermined by fate. There is evidence of his infallible predictions to various people; for this, he only needed to know the time and date of birth. Olney Richmond insisted again and again that everything in our world operates according to certain and immutable mathematical principles and laws, without which not even a hair would fall from the head. These beliefs are shared by Indian astrologers. Those who have mastered their astrological system can, based solely on the time, date and place of your birth, tell you when you will enter into marriage, how many children you will have, what kind of work you will do, and when you will die.

Most of us find it difficult to agree with such ideas. We want to believe that we have a certain choice in life. But let's look at the facts. There are thousands of books that teach us how to become "masters of our destiny". To a certain extent, these books have helped many people. But still, how could Olney Richmond and other astrologers make such accurate predictions? They didn't even need to meet people or know them personally.

Hindu Brahmins and sages, however fatalistic it may be, still say that in order to fulfill our destiny, we need to follow our Dharma. A brief definition of "dharma" is "right actions". Hindus say that we must strive to "Act Rightly" regardless of the circumstances of our life that are already predetermined and events have taken an immutable turn. And the degree to which we believe in the predestination of fate is shown by our Birth Card.

Cards with odd numbers (such as Aces or Threes) always provide a person with creative opportunities. For this reason, people with such Birth Cards are always inclined to believe that they themselves are the creators of their destiny. Cards with even numbers (especially Sixes) tend not to interfere in the course of life. Sixes are very constant people, and they resist any changes at all. You will find this out if you communicate with one of them for some time. They can get stuck in one rut for a long time, and it will seem that nothing can move them from their place. Perhaps that is why the lives of the Sixes seem more fatalistic than the destinies of other cards. It seems that they can achieve nothing in their lives, since they do not do anything. But everything comes to them on its own. while they just sit and look into the void. The Six of Spades, being the strongest of all the Sixes, most often act in this way and understand fate and predestination in this way.

Florence Campbell, in her book "The Sacred Symbols of the Ancients," suggests that people born under the influence of the Six have the ability to interfere in the real course of fate through the gift of intuition. And although at times their life may seem calm and monotonous, in the serenity of this peace, the Sixes can tune in to their inner voice, which is heard only when our mind is at least temporarily silent. Perhaps that is why the Sixes are initiated into the knowledge that few other cards possess. Part of this knowledge is information about their own destiny and their role in helping the world. If the Sixes of Spades listen to their inner voice, they will learn that fate has assigned them a special mission and that they can bring great benefit to humanity.
