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Love cards: Three of Diamonds

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Three of Diamonds


3 - Three of Diamonds
financial creativity

Personality Description

It is believed that among all the cards, the Diamond Threes have one of the most difficult destinies. This is especially true for the Diamond Three woman, since her Personal and Karmic Card is the Diamond Queen, another one of the most problematic cards in the deck. The instability of the Diamond Three's value system and the heavy romantic karma from past lives (the first Karmic Card is the 6) can lead to serious difficulties in personal relationships. In addition, Diamond Threes are extremely concerned about their financial situation. They experience constant anxiety and indecision and must seek positive applications for their overly active intellect. The best solution to the problem may be creative self-expression.

To achieve harmony in their lives and overcome many temptations and trials, Diamond Threes should develop their innate interest in metaphysics. These people are naturally able to penetrate the mysteries of the Universe with their minds. Among these mysteries is the understanding of the essence of their own life and personal karma, which the Diamond Threes have to deal with. This understanding will instill peace and tranquility in their souls.

Diamond Threes always know how to distinguish truth from lies, although sometimes they try to ignore this ability of theirs. However, not all Diamond Threes face this problem. Using the highest gifts of their Birth Card, they effectively apply their creative powers and express themselves in a variety of ways. They can become great orators and public figures.

Diamond Threes are endowed with powerful intellect and equally impressive eloquence. Thanks to this, they are able to bring any idea to life that they sincerely believe in. If you or your product is promoted by a Diamond Three, consider yourself lucky.

Diamond Threes strive for a profession that would allow them to travel a lot or engage in a wide variety of activities. As a rule, there is a younger person in their life for whom they have to make sacrifices (often the children of the Diamond Three take on this role). The two Nines present among their Life Path Cards may indicate troubles in the second half of life, but this can be avoided by turning to the spiritual side of life. This will bring wisdom and harmony into the life of the Diamond Three. Diamond Threes have come into our world to test many ideas through experience, find the true one among them, and affirm it. They always benefit from travel and change, so it is advisable for them to choose a career that allows for a certain degree of freedom in this area.

Relationships of the Three of Diamonds with other people

As mentioned, the Three of Diamonds along with the Diamond Queen is one of the most problematic cards in the deck. Diamond Threes are endowed with such enormous creative potential that at first life seems to them an unlimited kingdom of possibilities for learning and gaining experience. But at some point, people with this Birth Card realize that their life path is not strewn with flowers: they will have to deal with an incredibly strong fear of loneliness and betrayal. Usually this fear is expressed either in numerous love affairs or in chronic indecision in matters of love and marriage. If the Diamond Three is unable to overcome their deep-seated insecurity, they usually prefer not to bind themselves in matrimony. But this card is no less characterized by multiple marriages (as is the case with the Diamond Queen). The 7 as the Venus Card indicates that the Diamond Three must learn to allow their partner to be themselves, as well as overcome their fears of infidelity and loneliness.

The 6 as the first Karmic Card means that in their past life, Diamond Threes treated the feelings of others carelessly, causing their partners to wonder about their true intentions. And in this life, Diamond Threes have to realize how important stability in love and attachment is. This usually takes a lot of time, so Diamond Threes often achieve happiness in love only in their later years. But this is not so bad, since the desire for true love does not manifest itself in them right away.

Compatibility of Diamond Threes with other birth cards

Diamond Three women are often attracted to men of Hearts and Spades, but they also get along well with Clubs. They don't have a particularly strong attraction to any specific suit. Diamond Three men are sympathetic to Spade women, and in turn receive the sympathy of Club women.

How the most problematic card of the deck achieves happiness in love

Fate has prepared many obstacles for the Three of Diamonds. This is not at all surprising, given that among the Life Path Cards, the Sevens and Nines are considered the most difficult, and the Diamond Three has two Sevens and two Nines on their Life Path. Seven and nine are numbers of spirituality, and, as Olney Richmond rightly points out, spiritual numbers bring success on the spiritual level, but at the same time, problems, trials and failures on the earthly level. The strong "earthly" cards are the Fours, Eights and Tens.

The two Sevens associated with the Diamond Three serve as the cards of Venus and Mars. This indicates heavy karma in the area of love and sex. Such people in their past life abused the love of their partners and now have to pay for it. The two Nines fall on the positions of Uranus and Neptune. This means the problem of choosing a sphere of activity and the need to overcome the fear of losses (both physical and financial). Therefore, it is quite understandable why Florence Campbell and Edith Randall consider the Diamond Three one of the most difficult (if not the most difficult) of all Birth Cards.

While many Diamond Threes are constantly worried and have difficulties in their love life, there are also people among them who have unlocked the highest potential of their Birth Card. The path of the Diamond Three is difficult on the material level, but promises great achievements and success on the spiritual level. This means that if the Diamond Three devotes themselves to self-knowledge, they will have a chance to become happy regardless of what events are happening in their life. True happiness does not depend on external situations and circumstances, and the Diamond Three has a real opportunity to achieve this cherished goal. The development of an innate interest in mysticism is always very beneficial for Diamond Threes. Pursuits related to religion, astrology, numerology, cartomancy, etc. are favorable for this Birth Card. Sooner or later, diligent work in this area will give the Diamond Three answers to their questions and instill harmony and peace in their soul.

Perhaps the happiest Diamond Three I have ever met was a woman who worked as a pastry chef and decorator. In addition, she held a responsible managerial position in a church. She was a highly spiritual person and adhered to the principles developed through her own experience. She tried to be of benefit to other people; in particular, she prepared amazingly beautiful desserts and brought them to church every Sunday. She was always happy and contented, and even in her early seventies, she remained cheerful, youthful and healthy.
